Bony Grasp Changed on Test

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-madbx, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Dejah Guest

    Hehe, so much for turning the new changes on/off with a flick of a switch eh? :smileywink:
    I'm just playing with you, I realize that there is no switch. It's actually a button. :smileytongue:
  2. ARCHIVED-Priestbane Guest

    This is on TEST. TEST. Not live. =P
  3. ARCHIVED-Signal9 Guest

    Blackguard seems to disagree.

    Yes, it is currently on test, not live. How many changes that were put on test have NOT made it live with their patch? I know of one, or two, and a couple that were adjusted before going live. Very, VERY few things change between their appearance on test, and rolling to production.
  4. ARCHIVED-Nacoa Guest

    The haze line was intentially nerfed. The mistake was leaving it out of the patch notes.
    The mistake with the sorceror (not just warlock) crowd control spells was the nerf.
  5. ARCHIVED-Kreegan Guest

    Except Blackguard also said the following:

    It looks like an updated duration table for control spells in general was likely pushed to Test server, so we'll have to look at reverting the change

    So I'm guessing this is a change that will NOT go to test as part of Update 11.
  6. ARCHIVED-Jan Itor Guest

    [expletive ninja'd by Faarbot], this crap made me resubscribe for another month so I at least have a few days of fun with an uncrippled Bony Grasp and an unnerfed RoI.

    I really hope your combat revamp has a good mixture of challenge and fun, because right now my Warlock is fun and provides a good mixture of risk and reward. It´s your duty to improve it even further, don´t forget that!
  7. ARCHIVED-Kvenau Guest

    I assure you, they will improve on that... but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My version of fun is a challenge. Frustrations due to GLARING bugs are NOT fun. But a class, even a challenging class, working w/o blatent cut&paste issues and obvious errors in the combat arts / spells / skills, is fun to me. Your vision of fun may not match. If they drop our DPS a bit because they feel we're too powerful... I'm totally cool with that, as long as we have OUR role. I don't mind a hit in DPS if the game is balanced.
    I can solo ^^ mobs multiple levels above me... for what? It's supposed to be a GROUP encounter. As long as ALL classes can't solo it, that's awesome. It's when 1 overpowered class * warlocks / wizards [ non-raids ] * can take those down that there's an issue. Berserkers and other tanks can also take down heroics, not quite as high above in level as us though. Other classes can kite. All of this will be fixed (WE HOPE) and all will be balanced. THAT is the fun I want. I want balance.
    This may take awhile to achieve, but it's out there. Everyone crying for more power and more power because someone can do this better than that... Be constructive in your posts, give solid reasoning behind the gripes... not just WAAH'ing. They listen and respond to well-formed, well-thought out posts 1000% more than a blatent whine w/o substantiation.
    [EDIT] 1-starred for 'teh win'. I didn't post anything negative, nor bash anyone, yet get 1-starred. Gotta love the system. [/EDIT]
    Message Edited by Kvenau on 06-23-2005 02:19 PM
  8. ARCHIVED-Trathe Guest

    Yes and no....
    Post saying IT (Haze Nerf) was acdidentally released on Test.
    Post saying opps not on test, was never tested, and opps is actually live is here.
    Hey at least you get a chance to have this nerf be tested on the Test Server. And it seems that they broke it a bit too much and it will be fixed which is a good thing. Maybe not to the level of fixing that mages desire that remains to be seen. At least you get a chance which I glad some one does.
  9. ARCHIVED-jaythedogg Guest

    SOE, if this goes live, which I pray it doesn't, as I have put up with sooooo many class nerfs & had planned to deal with many other class nerfs, & Warlock is the only class I even remotely enjoy playing, as I get bored fast with EQ2 as it is, I will quit.

    I WILL QUIT, if this goes live!
    Nuff said really, I would be absolutely sickened, & I know SOE doesn't care if I quit, there are plenty of others to take my place, but with crap stacking up like station exchange, lies on top of lies, this will be the final straw, this is my favorite spell, it has saved me countless times, nerfing it means you just forced another player over the edge to WoW.
  10. ARCHIVED-jaythedogg Guest

    Haha I sound like a royal ****, but I will quit, I know this sounds like a threat, but I am stating how much I dissaprove of this crap.
  11. ARCHIVED-Kvenau Guest

    Now there's a mature response. Just go now to save yourself headache from future changes. Spamming the boards with threats to quit ( most of those are still here, imagine that ) helps what? It does get you flamed though.

    I'm a warlock as well, and I think bony grasp / ring of cold IS currently overpowered. I'm sorry if that hurts your feelings.

    Do I think the high power cost, 4 second cast, and 45s refresh should stay if this were to be changed to 12s? Heck no. I would never use it, but a 1-2s cast time, and 20-25s refresh would be more understandable [ and lower power cost ].

    I'm absolutely sickened by your response to be quite honest. You embarass the rest of the warlock community [those of us that are reasonable / mature] with kneejerk responses like that.


    In short, please just go now.
  12. ARCHIVED-Splatterpunk28 Guest

    All I can say is that I'm glad this will not come out until the entire combat/spell revamp.
    And for everyone else that is going to freak out over it, you have to realize that we don't anything about what the revamp will look like. Yes, one of our most useful spells in solo'ing will be nerfed. But what else will we gain? What will others lose and gain?
    We don't know. Let's just move on and hope that it's better planned than anything else SOE has rolled out. :smileyvery-happy:
  13. ARCHIVED-Atdan Guest

    Dude posts like this do no good for you or anyone else and makes the whole Warlock communite look bad.
    Am I happy about this? No
    Will I quit because of this? No
    Those of us that play a Warlock / Wizzard do so because we love the class we play and we may have our differences but we are not QUITERS!
    Please post crap like this in the newbie area that is where it belongs
    Chipper Bogglecog 45 Warlock
  14. ARCHIVED-SaintJeremy Guest

    i have been pushing for a nerf to Bony Grasp and Ring of Cold for ages. this is not the change i would have chosen, but i think we are all forgetting that this change is being taken out of context. it is intended to be part of a larger overall change and it is not accurate to view it without the other changes as well.

    Bony Grasp and it's wizard counterpart Ring of Cold are the two most broken spells in the game. they single handedly eliminate the need for all other classes in any non raid situation. Every time a warlock solos Tundra Jack and his Bear or a wizard solos a defender of thyr at level 45 it is 100% because of these two spells. they are a MASSIVELY negative influence on the game and a change to them is absolutely essential to preserve intergrity in the game's balance.


    Tyrant, 50 warlock. Unrest.
  15. ARCHIVED-Erowid Guest

    There are at least 6 classes that use to be able to solo Tundra Jack.... including a few scouting classes. Wizard or Warlock get near they are dead in 1 hit from such a mob....!

    Only the best can do it.... and yes when they do attemp it... Bony Grasp is 1 of the 12 spells they use on him. This is hardy a benchmark for illistrating how overpowered a spell is.
  16. ARCHIVED-jaythedogg Guest


    Also, I really couldn't give a ratonga's **** if you guys think I am being childish or whatnot, if you read my post instead of JUST the red text, you would have seen WHY I am saying I will quit over this...

    Quit skimming, & learn to think before you post.
  17. ARCHIVED-Banzai! Guest

    Blackguard, worst...Moorgard...impression...ever. It 's more like this:
    "Yes, we could have waited and bundled this fix along with the overall changes to combat and spells. But the fact of the matter is that the change was made, and in so doing eliminates one way in which encounters are broken....
    Again, I'm sorry for the manner this came about in that the change went live sooner than expected. But broken stuff needs to be fixed, and whether it happened last week or tomorrow as part of Live Update #7, these spells were going to be changed."

    (this was posted in fun:)
  18. ARCHIVED-Atdan Guest

    I read your post and all I see is a quiter that has nothing positive to say or anything to say to help this community.
    Will you post a " I Quit " post every time something is going to be changed?
    I love my warlock and I love BG but if it's nerfed I'll learn to play with out it just like I did for the 39 levels I played without it.
  19. ARCHIVED-jaythedogg Guest

    No, I played to 40 FOR Bony Grasp, as 40 is when we start to come into our true power...

    No, you DIDN'T read my whole post, as I said this would be the final straw that broke the camel's back, as they have done many things in the past that I have just dealt with, & if they take away the one big spell that I truly cherish, then I have no more reasons to play a Warlock, & if I don't play my Warlock, then I don't want to play any other class, as I have tried & don't like fighters, scouts, or even priests...

    Besides, if I do quit, this would be a good time to go revisit EQ,as the Ubi owned servers are going to all merge into Antonious Bayle & there will be a large server pop once again, hence, more raiding, & a reason to drag my cleric out of retirement!
  20. ARCHIVED-FelixDomesticus Guest

    Excellent. When you did EXACTLY same mistake with mystic haze line we got answer "It gets fixed in healer/combat patch and because of that we will not change it back". We have waited for that cursed patch for 2.5 MONTHS now as totally broken class and then you do this!