Blessing of Xegony for appearance mount...

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Treiko, Jan 18, 2014.

  1. Treiko Active Member

    Anyone else want this? My main is an arasai... I see no reason for a winged creature to be on a winged mount. I propose that Blessing of Xegony be able to be used as an appearance mount. Who's with me?
  2. Dulcenia Well-Known Member

    +1, but I imagine it would not be trivial, since Blessing of Xegony is a spell, not an actual mount.
  3. Treiko Active Member

    queue invisible mount that only fae/arasai can get? lol
  4. suka Well-Known Member

    i kind of like flying around as an arasi or fae would do - no mount needed so why do you need an appearance?
    aspekx and Spindle like this.
  5. Tylia Well-Known Member

    Because there are mounts that add quite a bit to stats. Being able to have the mount equipped while maintaining the Blessing appearance would be great and my fae would love it!
    Xillean, suka, Mermut and 1 other person like this.
  6. Treiko Active Member

    That's exactly it.. IE the mount from the ToV sig line
  7. Simon New Member

    I would completely support and ask for this. The unfortunate thing, however, reading posts and requests for this which date back over a year, Sony has yet to even respond to the idea.

    Perhaps making an appearance only mount usable by Fae and Arasai to submit to the player's studio?
    (Though I'm not sure I'm technologically savy enough - but will try.)
  8. Spindle Well-Known Member

    Player's Studio is for appearance items not for changing program code. Blessing of Xegony and Cloud of Bats are tied to their respective races and were coded before appearance mount ability and/or stat mounts.

    If it were a piece of cake code change most armchair programmers assume then it would have been changed ages ago.

    Fae and Arasai need to give their wings a rest once in a while. Resting and letting the air flow through the membranes is probably a welcome relief when on a flying mount.
    aspekx likes this.
  9. Balbasur Active Member

    Can't they just make the quest give a wings appearance mount that is done after completion of the quest? It's what they do with the vampire class
  10. Balbasur Active Member

    Make it race must be: Fae or Arasari and level 85 to equip, that way no one can just race change and still use it.
  11. suka Well-Known Member

    didn't think about that. yeah it would be nice since telling it not to show the mount only works while you are on the ground
  12. suka Well-Known Member

    nah- not really. but being able to make the mount truly invisible might be the answer. it could be invisible for any who have a spell mount- and there are more than just fae, arasai and freeblood that can get a spell based mount. i have noticed several spells that say it summons a mount to ride.
  13. Treiko Active Member

    I really think a form of an invisible mount would work. basically wings with no graphics so i don't have to give up my own wings to accomplish the goal... basically wings of imperceptible beauty if you would. All this boils down to one thing and I really don't see why the devs are ignoring this: why on earth do we have the ability as a winged creature to fly if we are forced to sit upon ghastly mounts just to maintain stats?
    suka likes this.
  14. aspekx Well-Known Member

    your ability to drive a honda civic and your ability to drive a high powered Indy500 race car are two different things.

    i think it's the same with wings and mounts.
  15. suka Well-Known Member

    ?? sorry you lost me - flight ability is exactly that - whether on a mount or on wings
  16. aspekx Well-Known Member

    i spose what im trying to say is that we have 2 very different mounts, with different speeds or stats or w/e. so thinking inside the game in response to why we have 2 differing forms of transport i'm suggesting that since the 2 'mounts' are so different it would make sense that a Fae would fly under it's own power sometimes and with the assistance of a higher powered mount at other times.
  17. suka Well-Known Member

    i think the main difference is only stats. i fly about as fast as my other toon on a mount does so i don't think speed is the issue. the issue is that we want the stats provided by the flying mount but not the appearance
    Xillean, Tylia and Mermut like this.
  18. Mermut Well-Known Member

    The speed of the fae flight is exactly the same as 'mounted' flight. There is no real difference (programming aside) from wearing a stated mount and having a market place unstated mount/wings in appearance and having fae flight in the appearance slot instead...
    suka likes this.
  19. Rainmare Well-Known Member

    threre isn't. Only Fae, Arasai, and Freeblood have spell mounts.

    High elves, Erudites, Dark elves, get a spell version of Featherfall, but not a mount.
    Alenna likes this.
  20. suka Well-Known Member

    as a
    as far as racial stuff goes you are right. i was thinking of other items that summon mounts that don't have to be equipped but they seem to call visible ones. I found this page very interesting: