Beta Anyone?

Discussion in 'Community News' started by ARCHIVED-Kiara, Sep 18, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kulssin Guest

    Kiara wrote:
    Can you please define "Good standing".. seems to be a grey area in terms of the TOS lately. Thanks.
  2. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Spyderbite@Venekor wrote:
    "Paid Up"
  3. ARCHIVED-dawy Guest

    Calthine wrote:
    Yup thats as i understand the term "good standing"..cant really see what the confusion was tbh
  4. ARCHIVED-Xeronoth Guest

    dawy wrote:
    Good standing usually applies to anyone who had previously had an account, and wasn't banned from entering any of the SoE games. (of course that is my understanding and is most likely wrong)
  5. ARCHIVED-Galithdor Guest

    Zryth@Kithicor wrote: may have it right...but it might be wrong hah!
  6. ARCHIVED-Hirofortis Guest

    **Twiddles Thumbs** Pick me pick me. Wait, should we list qualifications why were the best for the beta? Man, how do we get there attention so they will pick us. **Silently wishes to the SOE gods for a spot on the Beta.**
  7. ARCHIVED-Krista Guest

    Any word on when it will be announced that people have been picked and beta hopefuls can hope no longer?
  8. ARCHIVED-DaemosDaen Guest

    Well, considering that they were letting people into beta up till 2 weeks before launch for RoK, it will prolly be the same here.
  9. ARCHIVED-Mendou Guest

    I would imagine they'd post a message on EQ2 Players that beta recruitment is closed once they're done picking.
    /refresh Gmail
    /refresh Gmail
    Aw come on, have a heart for a l'il 'Tonga. *puppy eyes*
  10. ARCHIVED-JesDer Guest

    Mezzmyrelda@Unrest wrote:
    A rat with puppy eyes ?

    Clearly one of your parents was confused ;)
  11. ARCHIVED-Mendou Guest

    Yes well "beady rat eyes" just doesn't quite tug the heart strings, now does it?
    I'll even share my good cheese! The stuff in the fancy wrapping even. /nod
  12. ARCHIVED-Calthine Guest

    Hehe. Patience. I remember Scott Hartsman talking about Betas last year - All Betas are different, and they have usually have a plan for testing and bringing in people to test. All we can do on this end is play the live game and wait patiently :)
  13. ARCHIVED-Lady Shai Guest

    omg this is gonna kill me checking my email every few minutes :(
    /sigh I should probably cut back on the caffiene....
  14. ARCHIVED-LygerT Guest

    well you need an active account which is the first thing. ^
  15. ARCHIVED-Loendar Guest

    If it is like past beta tests - with the exception of 'special' people like friends/family and Fan Faire attendees - this phase of beta invites pretty much goes like this (for those having never done one):

    - Open site for registering
    - SOE folks decide how many people the want for each iteration (usually weekly ramp-ups)
    - number of invites are randomly generated and sent from the e-mail pool. There is no need to plead your
    case or say how much better you are at it than anyone else. There seems to be very little rhyme or reason
    to who is selected when. Some people with 4 accounts get all 4 invited in the first pass, some with 4 accounts
    get none, etc.
    - if/when you are selected - you get an email detailing where to get the beta loader and instructions for installation.
    It often makes sense to pre-copy your Live files to a Beta directory to lower the patch time process.
    - after you are invited, your account is so flagged and the top of the forums will list the expansion forums as an option
    this sometimes appears/happens before you even get the e-mail invite (as it did for me in RoK)
    - even AFTER you get invited, installed, etc. you have to do a /beta on your live toon to get it queued for copy to the beta
    server. So even if you get the invite in the next 5 minutes, you will find yourself waiting for a period of time to use you
    play toon to test with. Character copies have been different in various beta tests over the years - sometimes they are
    once a week, sometimes nightly runs.

    So - there you have it - I've been doing beta tests with SOE since the early days of EQ1 and they almost always follow a
    pattern similar to the one above. What it really comes down to is what was stated earlier: patience. And then when the
    e-mail arrives: more patience. That after installtion: more patience.

    You get the idea. ;p
  16. ARCHIVED-WildBeastimal Guest

    If it's random email invites, may the Random Number Generator find mine. Hehehe.
  17. ARCHIVED-Elorah Guest

    DerFunkBlaster wrote:
    I dont see anything stopping you from joining the test server....
  18. ARCHIVED-Mendou Guest

    Seablade@Kithicor wrote:
    Ah, the good ole RNG. With my luck my chances are about as good as actually mining a tynnonium cluster. *le sigh* Ah well... no beta = more time for Spore. *lol*
  19. ARCHIVED-Kiara Guest

    Additionally: Good standing = Not banned or suspended or otherwise undergoing disciplinary action, as I understand it.
  20. ARCHIVED-Rivel Guest

    how bout some words on expected email times?