Basic UI has minimal functionality

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Naneeje, Oct 22, 2019.

  1. GeniTracer New Member

    Sorry missed the edit time.....
    ON =>
    Command 1: /r_flat_ambient true
    Comamnd 2: /r_min_dir_ambient_intensity 0.800000
    OFF =>
    Command 1: /r_flat_ambient false
    Command 2: /r_min_dir_ambient_intensity 0.300000
    Sigrdrifa, Rosyposy and Xevran like this.
  2. Dockter Well-Known Member

    DB Dev's silence on threads like this is quite telling.
  3. Raff Well-Known Member

    Oh the agony...Really? I learn a new UI every time I go play a new game. Equally comfortable in any UI available. Some are better than others, but none of them will stop my enjoyment of any game.
    Rhodris and Breanna like this.
  4. Puckbone Member

    All I want is a clear button on any/all filter windows. examples: Tracking window, if I'm tracking bears, I put bear in the filter. When I'm done I would like a Clear button to remove it rather than having to move my curser into the window and hit backspace, backspace, backspace, backspace.
    Rosyposy likes this.