Auto-mentoring - Contested Bosses

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-timetravelling, Jul 2, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Flaye@Mistmoore wrote:
    Fire Toad only became overly rare with the Lavastorm revamp.
    They moved him from just on the beach between the docks and cave, where he has always been, to down the beach off to the right hand side. In the process, they seem to have mixed a part of his old spawn mechanic (pure timer), with his new mechanic (faster respawn, but with a PH). The result was a spawn timer that should result in a named 100% of the time, but still uses the placeholder mechanic.
    At least, thats what my observations of it tell me.
  2. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    Hrath T'vol is a triggered spawn, a young dragon is a triggered spawn, but seems to occasionally break, Eye for power is a perfect opportunity for cooperation between players, and imo the game would lose out a LOT if it were changed in any way, Sentery Goorlux is actually a fairly fast spawn if you are there at the right time of (in game) day.
    Whether he is supposed to spawn in succession or not is up for debate, but I have killed Dragoon K'Naae twice in the space of 30 minutes in the past, so I am skeptical as to it being a long minimum respawn.
    Nektropos castle needs to have a number of mob spawns altered to be standard quest checking triggers.
    I don't see the two hour timer between killing and being able to respawn Rahotep and Magolemus to be at all a negative thing. There is a visual que as to whether each is able to be spawned (though Rahotep is subtle), so its not hard if you are on that step of the quest to just check if its there.
    As to the rest... increasing the spawn timer of the names will simply increase the chances that someone will be camping the mob just for drops. Making the placeholders update quests will make HQs easier and faster, and lower the need for a group to do them with.
    Which is the lesser of two evils here?
  3. ARCHIVED-Alienor Guest

    QUest mobs don't drop loot, at least many of them. I would have no issue with that. I still think that camping 2h for a mob you need for a quest is too long especially if it is way below the level cap. Not everybody likes to lock himself at vll 40etc. YMMV, let the devs decide. mobs I kill also when the quest is long gray are those for OoLS entry (the outside ones). Might because I find camping very funny, entertaining or interesting.
  4. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Why lock your level? You get the same benefit out of completing a quest at level 40 as you would if you completed that same quest at level 80.
    If they did make all quest mobs not drop loot, there would be hundreds of legendary and fabled items no longer dropping.
  5. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

    Most of the mobs I've seen on this list are fine. An hour average wait to spawn a rare mob is fair IMO. If time sinks are such a problem, might as well just make all named up all the time.
  6. ARCHIVED-thecynic315 Guest

    All mobs for The Courts of Maj'Dul: Of Fate and Destiny. the Dijins are on a 2 hour spawn. Then theres the Orcs and other nameds.
  7. ARCHIVED-Rorasis Guest

    Kordran wrote:
    This list x1000
  8. ARCHIVED-Tehom Guest

    A lot of the lower level epic contested mobs seem to be incredibly rare. I can count on one hand the number of times I've seen the epic drakes up in either antonica or commonlands, or the epicx2s in Feerrott, or the epicx2 in the outer area of Obelisk of Lost Souls (never seen that one actually, so not sure if he was removed). A lot of the nameds in Permafrost seem to be unduly rare, though that may just be my perception from how large the zone is.
  9. ARCHIVED-BabyAngel Guest

    Pumice in Lavastorm.
    Firey Aparation stopped showing up when you did the fix to stop him attacking people on other side of the map when ritualist vanished also. At least I haven't seen him since and I use to beat him up a lots
    Also the named Nightbloods monsters from Rivervale there for 2 quests I think. It took long time to get them all, and sometimes the epic would be up and not the one i wanted so I had to wait cause can't beat the epic on my own.
    The only thing I worry about is that everyone will be beating these monsters when they see them just for treasure... which would mean people of the right level would miss out? Could people just sit at certain names forever just beating them when the come up over and over? Would I never be able to kill some of the names people are already in competition over in my own level? 55?
    Maybe people who self mentor should get no treasure so they have no incesntive to attack named monsters apart from for experience of some kind? Or there maybe a lot of fables and legendaries all over the broker... then there might be an economic crash in evrquest also.
    Though I do miss being in my level 40s in the Obelesik of lost souls. That was my favorite place to get treasure for a long time.
  10. ARCHIVED-Rahatmattata Guest

    Noaani wrote:
  11. ARCHIVED-Scubegk2 Guest

    I know its been posted, but I will reiterate.

    Please change ALL T5 epic contesteds to a 48 hour respawn, and lower the reuse of the few instances also. Oh, and it'd be great to just remove the access requirement for Spirits of the Lost also, if that is possible.
  12. ARCHIVED-EenietheSweet Guest

    Kordran wrote:
    Yes! Yes!
    Most frustrating ever!
  13. ARCHIVED-livejazz Guest

    Noaani wrote:
    I'm not sure how many times I've been to LS since it was revamped -- personally, I didn't care for that revamp at all, & have mostly been avoiding the zone -- but Fire Toad has been up most of them, & was in the large beach area between the docks & the tunnel.
    Just the other day, in fact, when I took my new AB SK there for AA discos, Fire Toad was up, right on the beach where I've always seen him. I guess I'll have to go more often.
  14. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Rahatmattata wrote:
    If you read the post above mine, you would see that I was replying to someone that was complaining about having to lock his level in order to finish a quest before it went grey.
    To that, my reply was "why lock your level?".
    I was pointing out that there is no benefit to locking your level unless you specifically wanted to stay at the level you were at. Since the person was complaining, it would go without saying that they didn't want to stay at that level.
    I am acutly aware of why people (myself included) lock characters at various levels, but thanks for your input!
  15. ARCHIVED-Noaani Guest

    Scubegk2 wrote:
    Yeah, this would be a bad idea.
  16. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    Noaani wrote:
    While i sometimes agree with you, Why are you arguing with everyone on thier experiences with camping named. Does it make any freakin difference if every overland named in eq2 was on 15 min garaunteed respawn. WTF cares Leveling is so rediculously fast in this game and the items from 99% of these named are basically useless. You can try questing these named btu half the time you end up outleveling the majority of the quests in your journal. There is absolutely no point in arguing about spawn mechanics on overland named.
  17. ARCHIVED-Gungo Guest

    Noaani wrote:
    Ya because named on a 3 day respawn +/- 24 hours is a huge change.
  18. ARCHIVED-Jgok Guest

    To those who think introducing more loot farming by increasing the following named spawns is a bad thing, consider the rules of supply and demand. The primary source of "demand" for level 1-60 legendary/fabled items (including masters) is people's alts (mostly level-locked). Someone leveling their initial character can't afford to buy these items (unless they spend time farming with the specific goal of buying a master they're going to outlevel in a couple of days anyway).
    Increasing the supply of level 1-60 fabled and masters will do nothing to affect the high-end game, but it WILL lower the broker price of those items until they either become affordable to the new player, or they reach a supply-demand equilibrium (people stop famring them because they're not worth as much). Once they introduce auto-mentoring, a lot of people (myself included) with stop level-locking their alts, reducing demand at the same time the supply is increased. I think in the long run that it will balance itself out, even if they double the spawn chance of every level 1-60 named in the game.
    Kordran wrote:
    I'll add my vote to this one... 2 hours trying to get Agony to spawn for my Mystic, never did. It took 3 hours of killing placeholders in CT for guildies to complete the SM HQ, and we cheesed off every single other group who came into the zone while doing so.
    I would say most under-60 HQ mobs need to be looked at in terms of spawn chance/respawn rate. Some that I can think of off the top of my head...
    SH: the non-named tree for DWB HQ (should always be up, IMO)
    TS: Stiletto, Bloodtalon
    RoV: Book of Life, Book of Death, The named mages in Varsoon (Sumyd, Ymeresh, Ci'Re), Weavemaster Esh'rax, The Creator (oh god, the creator needs to spawn more often),
    EL: Chomper (a guildie camped that little lake for 2 hours, getting a placeholder on every shot, before Chomper spawned)
    CT: Agony, Hukulan, Kaxor, Xilarga, Tzugaax
    EF: Bloodrage, Master Webclaw, Chieftain Iceburn
    SE: The Speaker of Fates, The Castigator, Lord Crana, Onyxlam (someone was telling me earlier that the placeholders will now give quest credit, but I really don't think it'll hurt to increase their spawn chances)
    I'm sure there are more annoying HQ (and other quest) mobs, I just can't think of any off-hand, and I need to actually do some work while I'm at work.
    Lillya@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    This would also be a good idea, IMO. A teleporter or a GFay-style horse track... something to reduce the run-time. Something similar would help in Everfrost as well, even with the new tunnel added between the west and east sections... Perhaps a clicky bell on the docks that takes you to the outside edge of the ice floes near PF.
  19. ARCHIVED-tatercake Guest

    Captain Krivak, 2nd floor of POA off of Barren Sky, almost the only way to get him to spawn is cross fingers after hotfix...
  20. ARCHIVED-bks6721 Guest

    since I didn't see them mentioned, I'd like to add the Scions in Stormhold. Every character I've had didn't finish the quest for them until the mid 40's becuase I could never find them up and ready for action.