Armor Quest 6 help

Discussion in 'Coercer' started by ARCHIVED-primal_creed, Dec 1, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-primal_creed Guest

    Can anyone who's done the last armor quest for the robe tell me where in nektulos these asillian fairies and grinnins are? I've looked throughout alot of the zone and can't find them.
  2. ARCHIVED-Valdayana Guest

    The faeries lurk around near the wisps, up in the sky. Grinnins are along the river north of the first bridge (not counting the one by Commonlands), on both sides of it.
  3. ARCHIVED-kirky Guest

    bring a scout to track the fairies. They don't spawn as much. So they are in high demand :)
  4. ARCHIVED-Tanatus Guest

    Fairy on rotation with wisps. Set camp by the small lake shore its the only safe spot where wisp not wonder so you have virtually zero chance for adds as long as group dont have any idiots who like wonder around. Start killing wisps if you kill enouth of em - fairy stat pop - you need protectors they always come in pair but I'd say expect at least 3-4 hours of none stoping dieing to wisps err killing wisps I mean ;) before you will able scavenge 24 fairy
    Grinnins are soloable they spawn along river on far north
  5. ARCHIVED-Imrahil56 Guest

    Also, it took me a while to realize that Asilian Faeries are actually called "Asilian Protectors". That's what you need.