Another Wizard considering betreyal

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-The-Plethora, Sep 22, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-The-Plethora Guest

    I am thinking of switching my 80 Wiz to Warlock in a couple of weeks or so when I get all the spells made up to adept 3.
    I have betrayed my Freeport coercer to Queynos Illusionist and that all went well but really I want to stay in Queynos but just change to Warlock. Is this possible or do I have to betray to freeport and then betray back? Seems quite long winded for a city I dont want to betray in the first place.
    As for AA's I was going to stick with the established sorcerer AA's I have already been using, freehand sorcery, brainstorm, catalyst and the faster spell casting, I think pretty much everyone uses those.
    I have a level 32 warlock but tbh I am a bit burnt out and AA questing is not my strong point so I would rather switch my high lvl wiz.
    Are there any must have Warlock AA lines? I am guessing enhance devastation and rift. I am pretty happy with my wiz but I have played for so long that tbh I just want a change. aggro as bad as I have heard? so bad that its worth taking the sorcerer hate decrease int line?
    Thanks for any help.
  2. ARCHIVED-CoLD MeTaL Guest

    good grief why? from this warlocks perspective wizards have less trouble with hate, do more single mob damage which is what nearly all RoK is, but come on enjoy the dirt naps with the rest of us warlocks.
    BTW, you can start betrayal get half way to freeport and turn around and come back to qeynos and choose warlock, still losing all your spells to app 2.
  3. ARCHIVED-Xedex Guest

    you can go exile then return back to qeynos. Once you can return back to qeynos you go to the warlock trainer instead and talk to them to become a warlock.

    I betrayed my fury to a warden and stayed in qeynos.
  4. ARCHIVED-Efrath Guest

    Us warlocks aren't very useful in RoK sadly enough, unless we get our mythical weapon. There's a huge lack of mob groups.

    In any case, Focused casting on the Warlock tree is a must, both in PVE and PVP as it doubles your casting and recovery speed for a short period of time as well as make you immune to interrupts. After that, well... I PVP mostly so I personally went Aftershock line, it increases the radius of our encounter ranged spells and the last one in that line makes it so that there's a chance that Aftershocks gets triggered. Aftershocks adds around.... 600-800 damage I think in t8 but I'm not sure. Furthermore, aftershocks has a chance to trigger more aftershocks. This adds some extra damage.

    Otherwise there's a great deaggro line that increases the hate fighters gain and lowers the hate gain for all group members who aren't a tank class. Havent tried it yet but IMO, it looks quite awesome for raids and such.
  5. ARCHIVED-SageGaspar Guest

    There's really only one build for DPS, it goes

    STR - AGI - WIS for KoS

    Hastenings - Propogations - Aftershocks for EoF

    Most people prefer AGI and WIS endlines to Catalyst now because of all the crit they added to gear, making it so you have a good chance of critting without it. I guess the one thing I'd emphasize is that Distortion is your primary nuke and five points into it is a must have. Otherwise on single targets just start with aura, distortion, armageddon whenever they're up and learn to fill in the rest of your DPS spells. Precasting the level 80 acid storm spell as the tank pulls is good, and lately I've been playing around with precasting one of the long cast direct nukes on incoming. Not much else that isn't posted elsewhere a hundred times.

    If you really have aggro problems and want to go with a deaggro build the best line to drop is probably propogations in favor of stuff from vacuous, but aggro really ain't that bad if you're smart about it and have a good tank.
  6. ARCHIVED-Windowlicker Guest

    Agreed with the above, I really crit so frequently I can't see catalyst ever being useful.
  7. ARCHIVED-The-Plethora Guest

    Thanks for the help all. I have betrayed already and I am loving it so far, I went to the newbie caves zone to start with to test out the different spells and when I did a catalyst and freehand upheaval... I knew I made the right choice.

    I have kept the sorcerer line the same as I did when I was wiz. I put points in Warlock line under all the AOE line, aftershocks, the 25% hate decrease line and the faster casting of distortion line and end ability.
    The only thing that I find annoying is the supposed enhancement of AOE's by increasing their radius...not really an enhancement if you are in tight corridors pulling random stuff and wiping.
    I have made all the AOE's at AD3 so far and will slowly get the rest. It's only null carress before 70 that doesnt get an upgrade right?
  8. ARCHIVED-Windowlicker Guest

    Don't spec into hate reduction, it's a waste of AA.

    KOS in order of importance: AGI, WIS then STR(Up to max spell crit, and no further)

    EOF in order: Explosive, Propagations and Hastenings(Either of the two in whatever order)

    Edit: And the increased radius on the AE's is an absolute must. Keep in mind most of those AE's are encounter based, so it won't matter if your in tight spaces. Your Armageddon for example, won't hit it's max 5 mobs if they are more then a few feet apart without it.
  9. ARCHIVED-The-Plethora Guest

    Some good advice here. I have played for a few hours now and am starting to pick it up. I have organised similar spells that I had before in the same position on the hotbar to get more familiar, hate decrease, invis, roots etc.
    One thing that has me scratching my head a little is the proc spells. They are worded a little odd. I am talking about

    Aura of void
    Gift of bertoxxulous

    Sounds like they all just proc off spells, is it best just to hit all three if they are up for a long fight? do they overwrite or anything or just aggro I need to be weary of.
    I havent grouped much yet which is where I expect problems to start but honestly single target I don't think I am that far off the old wizard and there is always a nuke of around 5K+ up to cast.
  10. ARCHIVED-maddawg138 Guest

    The-Plethora wrote:
    aura of void if you cast will proc off of anyones spells in the group/raid for 3 triggers. Gift of bertox proc's off of any poison spell that is cast by you, IE distortion, acid and armageddon. Netherrealm tbh i have yet to figure out how that spell works, all i know is that it does damage when i cast it but how it does the damage i still dont have a clue.
  11. ARCHIVED-Windowlicker Guest

    maddawg138 wrote:
    Netherrealm radiates a massive AoE effect that places a buff on every mob anywhere near your character. Any disease or poison based damage spell from any class that hits that mob will cause the buff to "pop" and nuke it.

    The spell pulses the buff, which will be reapplied constantly over the duration of the spell.

    So what this means, is the more classes you have in the group or raid that hit for that damage type .. the better this spell will perform.

    You can also pre-cast it without drawing aggro at all times. So there's no reason not to use it on each and every pull.

    It can contribute massive dps to your parse.
  12. ARCHIVED-Baynne Guest

    i was considering betraying my wizard as well... however as was pointed out, i just spent all kinds of plat i didnt really have to get the tynn clusters to adept 3 every spell i have except the mana heals. so i will instead be leveing a seperate warlock. will help me learn the class better anyway to play it from lvl 1 lol. when i do the math and add up the possible damage from a warlock, even on an encounter of 2 mobs, i can see some spells potentially doing more damage than a wizzy nuke. i had betrayed my wiz once in his 40s... and i was just in love with devastation. i ended up betraying back because i could solo better as a wizard... back in the tiers where i could tank stuff down with my ice shield lol. so i will be peeking my head in here from time to time to learn more about warlocks :)