Absorb Magic breaks mezz?

Discussion in 'Illusionist' started by ARCHIVED-Vaylan77, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Vaylan77 Guest

    So why does Absorb Magic break my mezzes? It does not deal damage to the opponent and the mezz spell says it breaks only when damage is received. I can cast Dismay or Theorems or Lockdown on the opponent which does not break the mezz, but Absorb Magic does. Looks like a bug to me.
  2. ARCHIVED-Rocky4686 Guest

    Mezzes also break on Mana Tap. Not sure if that's an intended one either since it doesn't do HP damage to the mob. Just sucks power.

    Edit- As an afterthought, it is probably the power draining function of both of these abilities that breaks mez as you could exploit that to drain a mobs power completely. It'd take forever, but still! All I can think of to ratonalize it.
  3. ARCHIVED-Vaylan77 Guest

    Have to check it with Manatap. But then they should clarify this in the explanation of the mezz spells. But your reason makes sense. At least for PVE you could then completely power up. In PVP that's another story though.
  4. ARCHIVED-Felshades Guest

    Breaks on damage. Mana tap is power damage.