A Summary of my Life

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-Zalphon, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. ARCHIVED-Zalphon Guest

    A Summary of my Life,
    By Sothikor Skar
    I hatched in the Scale Yard of Freeport. Not a pretty place. Drunken Barbarians and Sadistic Iksar made up the bulk of the populace (and still do). I was born an orphan, because my parents were continually bullying an old Barbarian, Cedric MacTare. Eventually, MacTare suited up in his old armor and challenged them to a duel. My father being a Shadow Knight of Cazic Thule and my mother a Cleric of Cazic Thule gladly accepted.
    The old berserker vanquished them and then performed the Coup de Grace. One day, an Iksar Monk came and spoke of “The Swifttail Caste”. He spoke of their power of fist and tail against their enemies, which attracted me quickly. We stayed in the Scale Yard for most of my training, so that I could learn what it’s like to live amongst my people, as well as others.
    My mentor would beat me if I showed fear. For years, we trained daily. Fist, foot, and tail were our only weapons. We wore no armor, but the gi that clothed us. We fed only on what we killed or what we took from our kill. We were strongly disciplined, and that discipline meant honor. Honestly, I’d be less afraid of a liar than a truthful man. The liar could be making false threats and telling exaggerated tales, the truthful man is making promises and telling honest stories.
    I began my training on my seventh birthday and for ten years, he trained me. After that, we co-evolved, as one of us improved, the other would too. In the ides of my eighteenth year of life, he tried to scare me and tell me that he was going to tear the tendons from my bones. The night he said that was the last night my master had the ability to draw breath.
    I left the Scale Yard that night with only the gi I wore and my true weapons, my fists, my feet, and my tail, and was headed towards the City of Hate—Neriak. I arrived in Hate’s Envy a few weeks later and that’s where my story ends for now, it has just begun.