10 Year Mercenary's health bugged?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Juraviel, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. Juraviel Active Member

    I have the 10 year SK merc and he does a great job most of the time. I decided to level up my Necromancer to 95 so grabbed him and chrono'd down from 93 to 80 to run some older instances. His health drops to 18,600 and his power is at 43,400 when chrono'd to level 80 yet my Necro's health is sitting at 37,300 at 80. He's dying very easily if I pull more than one mob at a time with him.

    I've relogged several times and also dismissed the merc to rehire him and it's the same every time. Something does not seem quite right that a SK would have nearly 50% less health than a Necromancer.

    I never had this issue when using him with any of my other characters. Did something get changed?
    Vultir likes this.
  2. Juraviel Active Member

    Anyone else having this happen?
  3. Occam Well-Known Member

    I chrono'd to 80 last night with the SK merc and his health was fine. Somewhere around 100k.
  4. Juraviel Active Member

    Was it the 10 year SK or the Darklight Woods SK? Mine is still coming up at 18,600 when mentoring to 80 on my Necromancer.
  5. Juraviel Active Member

  6. Occam Well-Known Member

    It was the 10 year SK. I'd recommend petitioning it.