No Fix Planned This account is in use... + /camp <character select> not working properly

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Test Taffies, Oct 30, 2019.

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  1. Test Taffies Active Member

    MANY Months... later I still have this problem. If my daughter logs onto the same machine she can /camp from one toon to another. So why is it my account is dorked? So tired of watching... /camp <character name> camp, finds character and the zone and then BAM right to character select! The UI doesn't seem to make a difference, a new install or machine doesn't make nay difference. So what causes this? I do not have any characters named the same name.I used too and it would cause this issue, but I fixed that, by deleting, or renaming.

    Can I send a video clip and to where so it can be seen to understand what is occurring and to get this fixed! I am aware that there are many 'other' things that seem way more important to the overall populous, that will always be the case. This is plain frustrating!
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    It definitely sounds like there's something glitchy with your account in particular, if your family's able to use the same computer, same basic install, etc., without problems. I don't think it's a matter of numbers of alts; if that were the case, I'd never be able to get anything accomplished (I'm up to 112 now, with at least 16 per server, and 66 of that 112 on the four US live servers), especially during Frostfell. It could be a leftover glitchy bit from DarqUI, perhaps? Have your family members had that on their accounts, then deleted/uninstalled it? Though you'd think that a fresh install of the game would've taken care of that... :(

    Breanna likes this.
  3. Test Taffies Active Member

    Uke you have way more alts then I do! LOL but Yes I’ve used DarqUI as well Profit at one time or another. I went so far as to purchase a new drive, install it and setup the game fresh from start to finish on it. No change. Wait, I went a step further then that. I actually got a new laptop, installed fresh on it and it still is an issue so yes it has to be something with my account.


    With the frustration of this weeks new game update, and it’s bugs. With its recent effects of taking more fun away from players in an intended or unintended way. I think I’m going to walk away for a long while. This ongoing only ‘fix’ what the end run players want has frustrated me a bit too much as of late and it time to either say it’s just going to be more annoying then the year server can be or stop playing for a while, since there is no obvious answer. Thanks though! Enjoy your game!

    TTFN Taffies
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Oh nooo! We'll miss you! :(

    One thing I've seen on various fast food restaurant windows (other than, "We're closed! Order for pick-up or delivery only" these days :-/) are signs along the lines of, "We know you have other choices of places to eat at; thanks for choosing us! :)" I know they're probably doing the best they can with limited staff and budgets, and with an investment company breathing down their necks to turn a profit every quarter (if we're still with Columbia Nova), and the end-game folks are apparently the only ones supporting them financially, but still (hey, devs! Come up with enough stuff on the Marketplace [heaven knows, we've offered you plenty of SUGGESTIONS over the years] to sell us instead of an expansion this year, like, oh, 4-8 interesting things of $10-20 each [a new prestige house. A new mount. A new recipe book, to go with the new house. A new pile of whatevers the end-game users care about. A set of Tokens, one for kicking up an adventurer to Umpteenth Level and one for a tradeskiller. See? There's like 5 different types of things right there, that could be $18 each, and I didn't break a sweat thinking about it] and focus your efforts on bug killing. We can be patient)... :-/

    Oh, and one other thing I might suggest, o devs, if you're really serious about getting more customers, especially during this ideal time when we're all a captive audience:


    For real.

    Breanna and Rosyposy like this.
  5. TheCat New Member

    I get the "this account is in use" error when switch from one character on my account to another, happens about 60% of the time, very annoying...
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Juraiya like this.
  6. Breanna Well-Known Member

    I've had that happening for years now. I don't think it will ever get fixed. Some days it only happens once or twice and other days it happens like 5 or 6 times.
    Soara2 and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  7. Svenone Well-Known Member

    This message happens to me frequently ever since they changed the camp out delay from 30 seconds to 20 seconds, and even more after they changed their database software [I believe that they used to use a premium DB - probably Oracle or Sybase]. It's an annoyance, but one that DB cares little if any about. At least I can usually log in to the desired character after one of these messages without further issues. I use a modified DrumsUI interface, with the ProfitUI shutdown mod, so I don't have to re-enter my information again when this happens [not recommended if ANYBODY else uses your computer].
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Breanna like this.
  8. ramblinrod Member

    I've had all the aforementioned problems recently, but now on 2 of my accounts, every single time I login, after having camped a toon -- whether it's switching from one toon to another, or camping and then hours later logging in again -- I get an invalid password error, which only happens once before letting me in again. But after camping that toon, it's rinse/repeat.

    I can camp the toon on one computer, try to log the same or a different toon (same account) on a different computer, and it will give the invalid password error, at which point I can go back to the first computer and login (this one time,) without error. This eliminates something on the PC triggering the issue.

    In summary, every other time the login server attempts authentication, it fails.

    Update: I just tried logging into the DBG website, and it won't let me, period. Invalid credentials. I had a toon in that account in-game at the time, though that's never caused a conflict before. I'm hoping the account isn't borked completely now... no, doesn't appear to be, though the 2nd time I tried logging a toon to that account after logging it out and trying website then (still no good,) it balked at letting me in game again, but eventually did.

    This exact same issue occurs with the other affected account. My 3rd account has no problem with either the game or the website, so it's definitely an account-tied issue. The 2 accounts affected get used a lot more, so that's probably a factor.

    One new thing: I've never to my recollection had login access issues with either game or website that didn't affect both (i.e. locked out at the same time.)

    What this means is I can play the game with some added hassle -- and worrying that it'll get worse, as in total lockout -- but can't petition about the problem, at least not with the affected accounts.
  9. Ratalthor Developer

    We have not been able to reproduce this issue. If you have consistent reproducible steps please post them here.

    If you are getting password errors or you have issues logging into the website, we recommend reaching out the tech support.
    Soara2 and Breanna like this.
  10. EmJay Well-Known Member

    I took a three and a half month break from the game because I was upset about all the bugs and the state of the game. I came back in the middle of May. Since I've been back I've gotten the "account is in use" error almost every day when I cycle through alts to harvest plants and start overseers. I never had this error before I left on Feb 1st.

    The difference, for me, is that I got a new computer. And I was thinking the game couldn't keep up with the speed of my connection and machine. /shrug.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Breanna like this.
  11. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Did you install in C:\Program files\ folder ? Windows security has fits and wont let EQ/EQ II work properly if it is in there.
  12. Avithax Well-Known Member

    Working with Darkpaw server takes patience a lot of the time. Think of it as if you hired your sibling to work at your company....It would only work when it feels like it, would probably be doing the wrong thing most of the time and wouldn't hear a word you say unless it meant extra money.

    But out of love you tolerate it :)
  13. Whilhelmina Well-Known Member

    So there's 2 threads for that one too and, obviously, I posted in the wrong one.
    This never happened to me. I always /camp char and always end up on said char except if I do that on 2 accounts at the same time on same computer in which case one of the char hop might get a time out and dump me back to char select.
    This is on Test server, with a single server to chose from.

    I don't think it happened to me on Thurgadin either, but don't quote me on this, I nearly never play on live.
    Soara2 and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  14. Breanna Well-Known Member

    It happens to me every single day at least once, some days 2 or 3 times. The only info that can really be given is just as above when you do /camp {character name} It's hard to give any further info because that is basically it. All you do is /camp and before the chosen character can log in it says this account is in use. So you have to log in all over again.
  15. Tkia Well-Known Member

    I doubt anyone can give you that detail as it's such an intermittent problem. I've gone weeks without seeing any of these errors and then suddenly they start popping up all over the place for a day or two and then go away again. Usually when it happems its one particular error that keeps happening for a while, next time you get a batch of it it's one of the other messages. I've never been able to identify a set pattern. The only thing I've been able to establish with some degree of certainty for one of the errors on one server is here:

    And yes there is another bug report thread on this if you want to consolidate them.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  16. Ra'Gruzgob Well-Known Member

    i liked that i continued to play even after i turned off internet and then turned it on again. and my game didn't stop. so i also will say what’s most likely reason (by way, this problem also happens in wine): this perhaps be because this account has ended unexpectedly and is awaiting cleanup.
    thus, devs were unable to reproduce any version of this "unexpectedly". and they honestly answered - when i specifically tried to repeat this bug, i didn’t succeed. therefore, perhaps problem is due to fact that at some point security check doesn't pass, but not windows but this game.
    of course, devs will not go to make this check less stringent and they have no choice but to collect network logs (look for what packages were lost when this happened) of users and read them. so need volunteers to give them access (that's definitely not me) to analyze traffic on client side. and i agree that "the whole problem smacks of a timeout" as Tkia pointed it out. just something is sometimes lost along way..
  17. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    I believe it was Gninja, a couple years ago, explained it as the game trying to open one character's files before fully closing another's while switching characters. If that's the case, I would assume that character files have simply gotten too large to camp quickly enough to switch to another character using /camp. I find that I have the most trouble on toons that I play extensively, vs toons I almost never play. Although, there are times, such as events, where this will happen too, in this case, I assume it's server lag.

    I find it difficult to believe that these issues cannot be replicated when they happen so frequently that I am bound to see my desktop at least 3 times in a 6 hour play time, or have to re-type my password and re-choose the character I want between switching alts using /camp. One only needs to play and switch characters to eventually have this happen.
  18. Alarra Well-Known Member

    I experience the Account is in use when I use the
    to swap through characters or even just to relog to myself.
    Would you like a screenshot? An exact time? A Video?
    This is not requiring authentication, it is an in game command to change to a different character.

    In testing have you tried from a higher latency connection like a VPN connection from a European or Asian Country (or even a state with high latency)?

    My latency is generally 185-200 or so. When I was on my old ISP it would go around 300-400 or so.
  19. Rosyposy Well-Known Member

    I've had /camp issues since Kaladim opened, to the point where I seldom try it. I just close the game and re-enter as another toon. I think something is timing out. I've done extensive troubleshooting, and have not been able to find anything on my end causing it.
  20. Whilhelmina Well-Known Member

    I never had the problem and I play from Europe and quite often with a VPN bouncing me around on top of it so not sure it's related.

    Are all of you experiencing this exact problem on "US English" servers (where there are several servers to pick from) or do some experience it on Thurgadin and on Test (where there is only one server for each)? I know Tkia has a problem on Thurgadin, but it's a connection problem to the server, not a "account in use" problem it seems.
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