Epic 1.0

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by Conifur, Oct 5, 2016.

  1. Zeddicious Well-Known Member

    I worry about the mentality, is all. Rather then spending time and effort devising new ways to create time sinks, I think working on current issues would prove to provide a better feel for the direction of the game. I mean, if you really wanted to create a time sink - you could make every item tied to some craftsmans' faction. You wanna wear Yothshovals' armor drops - you need 50k faction w/him. Nizara? Sure - 45k faction to wear that armor. Oh - Ire Dread? 60k dragon faction in zones that reset every 7 days. Non members would receive 1k faction per - and members would get 1.5k... because yeah.

    So imagine if in college, you wanted to get X degree. Well, X degree required Y classes that you CLEP'd - which isn't going to be credited because shortcut. So you go back and begin Y class which was only available in high school - and you start taking that class. Along the way, Y class requires basket weaving and coloring inside the lines 101 - which is only available in elementary school..... none of which are particularly difficult in the least - its just.... bad.

    Extreme? Melodramatic? Possibly. Disappointed? Definitely.
    Diveris, Ishuna and Aquaskaientos like this.
  2. Myscha_sleddog New Member

    So only the Fable Version is required?
    Not the follow up Mythical?
    Twinks likes this.
  3. Anatha Active Member

    My history with this game only dates back 4 years. I am currently doing the long version on my ranger. Yes, it is taking a long time to get faction, etc., but if you think about it, Sony probably figured people would play each zone and do all the quests (good/evil faction as needed) so when it came time to do the epic, faction was already established. What so many of us do is skip around and not play all the zones in the game, get pl to 100 and go back to do ER. Well this is the way that Sony intended it to be done originally. Why they added ER later on, I don't know. I wasn't playing the game at that time. Maybe they thought it would be better for those that had several toons that needed to do the epic so designed a way to make it easier. It is my intention some day to go back and complete ALL game zones at least on my ranger. Right now I am too busy trying to get my main and main alt through their long epic versions before launch of the new expac. Ranger first because I am not sure if it will be needed for beta testing.
  4. Dude Well-Known Member

    From what I'm hearing, a well geared 100 can one shot Silverwing, which means you don't need one of each archetype. Of course, I haven't done it, but it's worth trying it out to see.
  5. Dude Well-Known Member

    Oh well. That's why I put in the disclaimer.
  6. Anatha Active Member

    I'm confused. I am looking at the Ranger Epic Weapon walkthrough on Zam and I don't see anything about silverwing. http://eq2.zam.com/wiki/ranger_Epic_Weapon_(EQ2_Quest_Series). The heroic version is called Removing the Darkness from Within... and the epic version after completing the heroic version is called The Untapped Power!. Looking through both on Zam and the Wiki, I don't see anything like what you are describing.
    Feldon likes this.
  7. Lojaak Well-Known Member

    I have personally one shot Silverwing several times. ALL of Kunark raids are soloable.
  8. Minxy I am my own man forever and ever!

    think u lying lojaak but silverwing is not needed for any class myths
  9. Lojaak Well-Known Member

    Raff likes this.
  10. Lojaak Well-Known Member

    No, but phara certainly is for the monk one. Have fun kiting silverwing out to the trak portal.
  11. Feldon Well-Known Member

    You only need to have completed your Fabled Epic 1.0. The Mythical (and Epic Repercussions) are separate.
  12. Mysstie Well-Known Member

    Thanks for that info. I just got my Fabled Bite of the Wolf. Don't really need it with my play style, butnow I have the option to work on Epic 2.0 if I choose to.
    Spindle likes this.
  13. getinfroggy New Member

    i couldn't one shot the leviathan ...... swashy mythical update needs him ... no reason to do it though other than pride
  14. Sucha Active Member

    Most can be soloed yes - then you run into Assassins wherein you have to do unrest (have to have two people) and chelsith where you need to click 5 statues. Maybe it is just me but even with using a speed totem there is no way I can click all 5 fast enough if solo to spawn the named you need in there. Not complaining just saying that some are a pain.

    Only 100 I have not completed 1.0 on is my assassin due to Chelsith lol
  15. Casca New Member

    Silverwing had always been soloable. The trick is to one shot him but it has to be one hit. An auto attack which is multiple hits won't work. Dagger storm for example won't work. However something like sniper shot (ranger), a BL primal will work.

    I've done it several months ago.
    Malleria likes this.
  16. Feldon Well-Known Member

    The Ranger Epic (Fabled) requires zero mobs in Veeshan's Peak. You are thinking of the Ranger Mythical.
    Spindle likes this.
  17. Anatha Active Member

    I completed the Epic last night. Not sure I will do the Mythical. It is not needed.
  18. Zeddicious Well-Known Member

    ... and there's clearly a reason why none of the things listed here happen in game any longer - because someone came to their senses and said "Hey, is this really necessary?" and the game play moved forward and we progressed on to better methods of achieving goals. Those grinds didn't leave a positive impression, clearly, and I'd bet dollars to doughnuts, other players weren't happy about it either. On a positive note, I'm thankful that Fast Travel exists* and that I'm still able to fly at level 80 (or w/e) when I mentor down... if I had to use a ground mount, I'm 100 percent certain I wouldn't even bother with epic 1.0 ever.

    I just firmly believe that if a story line developer wants us to stay inside Norrath for longer periods of time, grinding faction, spawn camps and going "backwards" isn't really being innovative.

    *they coulda just made everyone walk everywhere since the beginning of time, but clearly that's a bad idea, so we have fast travel.. Epic 1.0 was a long / arduous task, so now we have ER... Progression!
  19. Crazycatlady Member

    OK I am confused and any help would be greatly appreciated! I originally had the conversion epic. I just did Blood Moon Rising to get the actual epic and remove the enervated from my Mythical weapon or so I thought. When I did the turn it,Atria called me a Betrayer. It said that if I slay her the sword would be born. Killed her and I got the message " you already have the Enervated Sword of the Bloodmoon and you cannot have another." Can someone please guide me as to what I have to do or did I do it? Thanks! I am really frustrated. I thought we were suppose to get rid of Enervated. :confused:
  20. Grumpy_Warrior It's a KILT, dang it!

    Did the quest complete? It's possible that the next epic quest is looking for that more than the weapon itself.