Your Class and Breaking the "Decent to Great" Barrier

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by 7thNecro, Sep 20, 2015.

  1. Triconix Augur

    There's a time when it's not smart to pull multiples?! :confused:

    But seriously, after doing bayle mission in about 5 minutes, I now realize that warrior aggro timers cant really hold us back. They just don't pop fast enough or do enough aggro for me to hold down the barrage of mobs that mob in such a short time frame (coupled with the mezzes, FDs, stuns, silences), no matter how well I rotate them. I had to let the enchanter tank a couple here and there while waiting for my stuff to refresh because insult/roar wasn't locking a mob down for the quick 10 seconds it was alive. It was rather disappointing moment in my life, especially considering I was going full AE aggro mode for the event. :(
  2. Silv Augur

    It becomes increasingly impossible to pull aggro off of a determined Enchanter; don't feel bad. Negation of Sub + chaining Unity = no hope. Ask Sheex about his experiences with a certain Ench on these boards! ;)
    Foxxbott likes this.
  3. Roxxanna Augur

    A warrior that puts me on their extar and grabs that wayward add that's beating on me, or yells out in raid chat that I'm down before I do has my vote.
  4. Random_Enchanter Augur

    Gotta try and live some how. Its really fun though when i rune of banishment as top aggro on a summoning mob.
  5. Metanis Bad Company

    Yes, 100%, Yes! Great post for clerics.
  6. Mintalie Augur

    Great question! There are numerous factors involved in going from decent to great. Aptitude really seems to be the biggest factor--a combination of how willing and able you are to improve. Some people have a natural affinity to improve themselves; others have to work at it. Regardless of if you are the former or the latter, it requires an enormous amount of dedication and fortitude.

    Other than the obvious, such as scouring the forums and class-specific sites, the thing that helped me better my game the most was getting to know mages who were better than me and asking them as many questions as they would tolerate. That coupled with tons of parsing and testing and actual in-game, in-raid experiences seems to have affected my game play the most for the better.

    You have to have a fire in your belly and be willing to do whatever it takes to be the best... to be the best. I've done everything humanly possible and still am far from the best. At the end of the day, I think perhaps what separates the best from the uber best is that naturally affinity for gaming. That and a fancy computer and commercial-grade internet speed. :D At least, those two things certainly don't hurt!

    Bottom line, I think only a small percentage of the population--whether it be in the gaming world or IRL--has the aptitude to be the best. I think everyone can be the best at something, but perhaps MMOs is not your something. Regardless, if you're having fun, find where you fit and enjoy yourselves. :)
    Wayylon and Silv like this.
  7. Fornax New Member

    Mobs need the kitchen sink treatment and I'm just a beastlord that can do my part.

    Beyond that, it isn't necessarily who the best is, but who you play best with - a raid is the sum of many parts as is a group. The real treat is to make sure everything is flowing well and everyone is doing their part.

    Recently hit my personal best in an encounter and I'm happy. I've never had everything going my way like I was experiencing. Beyond that - I'm quite content with my beastlord.
  8. Reval Augur

    He has passed the test! But really there are points where your ability to tank differs from other points in time, so pulling the right amount can be a good sign of a great player.
  9. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    The No Taunt list is a thing for a reason, ma'am.
  10. Reval Augur

    On Zek, if an enchanter blows forceful rejuvenation to spam runes for aggro, you can just dt them. Now you have all the aggro.
  11. Zaknaffein Augur

    Agree with most of what you said but this part can become a detriment if the cleric focuses too much on trying to keep everyone alive instead of on the warrior who is tanking the boss. Splash heal/heal rains are great and all and might make you look like a hero when you show up high on everyones heal pars in the raid but you do so at the risk of the most important person you are charged with keeping alive.

    All groups have a healer or two for a reason and you can let shamans and paladins worry about keeping a raid alive... Unless your raid structure sucks and you have no shamans/paladins of course.

    There was a similar post about this topic in the cleric forum iirc a while ago where I made a post, but the main things are just experience playing the game and raiding, knowledge of every class not just your own, situational awareness and reaction speed are the main things.

    Weak.. play with a warrior that knows how to handle over zealous players who think they are tanks! :)
  12. Repthor Augur

    going from good to great is all about beeing up to change and beeing hard on yourself. its not a Q:n about can i do better, its more how do i do it better. theres allways room for improvement even i your the proclaimed best
  13. Foxxbott Lorekeeper

    Silv is spot on! Enchanters are punks. In my entire EQ career I have met a total of 2 enchanters willing to work with me on coordinating.... things like mental contortion rotations, rune rotations, synchronizing C/Haste MGB's and so on. They either want to do everything by themselves or just don't give a crapola. Enchanters do not always play nice with eachother. But when you find a good one that will work with you while you are playing an enchanter (especially on raids) is invaluable!!
    RPoo likes this.
  14. Triconix Augur

    Trying to aggro all the mobs on Bayle rot mission in a 5 minute spam with an enchanter forcefully trying to get aggro is darn near impossible! :)

    However, we did this purposely cause our set up was pure burn with 1 tank and a 1 druid healer haha. Rot mission is actually quite fun with 3 wizards, an enc, druid, and war! Things blow up pretty much instantly.
    Agreed. I'm always looking for ways to tweak my discs in just the slightest way to maximize mitigation. However, every encounter is different - even the "same" encounter on a different week is different. Playing a war is very instinctual based on the situation with multiple variables - raid dps, current healing strength, etc.
  15. Zaknaffein Augur

    The one area warriors will lack in agro is in a fast paced killing group, or multiple pulls of multiple mobs face paced, SK's are better equiped for that kind of agro. though in just 5min time wade+rage should suffice, few other things warriors can do/spam procs/defensive procs, but wade is the only realistic way to hold agro on multiple mobs for any duration these days.
  16. Reval Augur

    Try getting an earthshaker and using that with rage of the forsaken/rallos. Maybe that'll help at least for a little bit. Granted, it's obviously not a full solution.
  17. Repthor Augur

    you can work around this issue some what if rather then pairing nttb with wade in to battle

    go get Inflicted Stoneskin Plate Breastplate

    and pair mocking of lanys with nttb , and pair brace for impact with wade in to battle . you will have a longer span of ae capbilitys for group content
  18. Triconix Augur

    Wade is only a minute plus mobs spawn outside the aggro range and mobs are dying way too fast for it's full effectiveness - it's a defensive proc. Simple insult/roar and the enchanter was ripping aggro before the mob even got to me across from the room, even with full rune weapon and a constant aggro mod on me (warlords - rage - glyph). Believe me, I've never worked so hard in my life in a mission because of negation of subtlety. There were points when I just didn't have anything up to aggro the mob. It is what it is. Only lost aggro on maybe a handful of mobs and they were dying in less than 10 seconds so it's not like anyone was in danger.

    I'm not sure you know the full extent of enchanter aggro :eek:
  19. Zaknaffein Augur

    I don't recall nttb or brace having an agro componant other than the initial buff itself because it's a rune type buff? not even 100% sure if that adds agro like a rune or not.

    Can't remember the last time I used that old BP click heh, would help sure and it's not like any of the other BP clicks are worthwhile. Just need to have the mobs already hitting you for that one to have an effect.

    Defensive procs from buffs/Runes generate more ae agro than anything else after stormstrike, wade, rampage, roar of challenge, ae taunt are down. once those are used up its just sticking phantom on one mob, ralloz zek pet on another, grasp on a third, undivided on a 4th, then working others with incite/bazu lines... and once those are all used you hope some of those first things listed have refreshed!

    Just depends on how fast the group is killing/pulling really. I always enjoy a challenge though and usually don't disappoint.
  20. Zaknaffein Augur

    Clerics opening with smite/TU > chanters
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