With Shouds taken out, no way to get Totem of the Wurines at higher levels on TLP's

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Darkrok42, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. Darkrok42 Apprentice

    Just what the subject says - is there any thought on either putting shrouds back in or allowing us to request the lower level version of Elder Longshadow #1: Freeing an Elder? Frustrating to be on a toon that was created after that era and having no way to get an important item due to a feature being removed from the game.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  2. Kahna Augur

    It is temporary.
  3. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Just purchase a persona and level it up of course!
  4. Ankarv Harbinger of Nightmares

    They've been gone for over a month now. Its temporary, but also annoying.
  5. Hamshire Augur

    Id post about this in the bug section if there already isn't one.