Which do you think?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Qalliel, Oct 13, 2016.

  1. Qalliel Lorekeeper

    Which race is the least played as a necromancer? just a fun question :)
  2. Eaiana Augur

    I would say Drakkin. I have not encountered many Drakkin necros over the years. Also male Erudite necros seem to be rare.
  3. Kunon Augur

    These days? Human, haven't seen a Human Necro in years.

    I'd say it goes something like this...
    Dark Elf (by far and what most think of when they hear Necro)
    Iksar (Look and old school Regen factor for Lich)
    Gnome/Erudite (All those people who want to be different)
    Drakkin/Froglok (Newer toons/Race changes for the look)
    Human (Meh in every way from stats to look)
  4. Qalliel Lorekeeper

    Was going to say don't see many humans around same with erudites and drakkins and forgloks
  5. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Don't think I've seen a Guktan necro....ever. That combo exists? ^ . ^

    Frogger robes looking meh probably plays a part!
  6. Qalliel Lorekeeper

    lol yeah the armor graphics on robes look horrible lol