What scheduled maintenance???

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Dwimmerlaike, Apr 16, 2020.

  1. Bruzum Grobbfist Journeyman

    yeah... that was yesterday's "scheduled maintenance."
  2. Xenthus New Member

    Makes sense to me. I'm not a great driver. every time i run my car in to something i take it in for a scheduled body repair.
    svann and Claan like this.
  3. Dazzler Twodirks Lorekeeper

    Would probably help if they knew what caused the servers to throw up.
  4. Zenja New Member

    Mmmmkay, gotta give my perspective on the last 2 days of downtime. Have to primarily because they charged me my monthly sub today and I haven't been able to play at all for the last 2 days. That, in and of itself, not cool at all. But beyond that, as an IT guy with over two decades in the industry, the patch changes rolled out during the last ACTUAL scheduled maintenance were obviously flawed to the point of breaking at least parts of the game, thus service impacting for all players. Again, as an IT guy, what my response would be is to roll back servers to the point prior to the scheduled maintenance from their backup...which at this point I wonder if they even do, credit each players account with say 500 DBC for the inconvenience and inappropriate response on their part to something they broke, send the patch changes back to testing and QA, then roll them out again once they're absolutely positive they work correctly. This is what my organization would do to respond to a similar situation, js...

    EDIT FOR CLARITY - "...credit each subscribing player's account..." Nothing against Free to Play players at all; but from a business perspective, subscribing players generate a substantial and consistent revenue stream for the company.
    Claan likes this.
  5. Claan Elder

    So I plop down the cash for a modern sports car and love driving it around. Things are great and I am loving my new ride for 3 months. One day, suddenly, the manufacturer thinks I have too much power. They remotely halve my engines power output. I hate it and take it back but they refuse to refund. I drive off and slowly over time get more used to the "new" version of my car and less mad at the company.

    Three months later they do the same damn thing and now my car has 25% or the original power. I again go back and am refused a refund. While I'm there they replace my gold wheels with silver ones. I complain and they say the gold ones were a mistake and never supposed to be an option on the model I bought but now I have the correct ones so move on. I reluctantly drive "my" car away.

    One morning a week later I go outside to drive my car to work and it isn't there. I see a note left in the driveway from the car dealer that says, "In for scheduled maintenance". I try to call them but no one answers. Mysteriously, that evening my car reappears in my driveway. I get in and drive to the grocery store. When I come out I can't find my car. I call the police and they inform me it was taken in to fix a problem that occurred from the scheduled maintenance. I take a taxi to the dealer and they tell me it will be ready in 10 minutes and I should be happy that they discovered the problem before it became much worse. An hour later I drive it home.

    When I get home there is a message on my answering machine that says from now on my car will be taken every first Wednesday of the month for scheduled maintenance. The time will vary along with the length of time required for maintenance. Also, there will be no guarantee of fitness after the maintenance and they may be required to grab the car again at any time to fix what just got broke.

    Is this apples to oranges or am I onto something here?
    dreadlord and Cailen like this.
  6. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000



    Server Maintenance - April 16, 2020

    We are working through technical issues that arose overnight. All Servers are currently offline. The Launch of T3 raids is still expected to occur today once servers are online. We will update with an ETA as soon as one is available.
    copy pasted from the main forum page.
  7. Bruzum Grobbfist Journeyman

    yep 3 hours after servers go down, they update us with no eta. this tells me.. no eq today =(
  8. Brilhasti Elder

  9. IcebergDX Lorekeeper

    Did not see the extra part, but i did see they finally changed the Forum header to this. "Status: 4/16/2020 9:08 PDT - We are currently investigating a potential issue with server: All Servers"
  10. Dhurgan Augur

    As an IT guy with all that experience you should know that getting people online to actually test stuff in a reasonable time is an act of god too.
  11. Zenja New Member

    I forgot to add something in my post. If I were the managing authority in a similar situation at my organization, at the very least I would get a stern scolding, but more likely be written up for the combination of releasing a patch that was service impacting, having signed off on the QA/QC status of said patches; as well as the inappropriate handling and lack of communication of my situation response. Again, js...
  12. Zenja New Member

    While I won't deny that it takes coordination to accomplish this; I would argue that after 21 YEARS of service, one would think they have a scripted process in place for exactly such a situation. Again using my organization as an example, all of our Devs and Testers are on call 24/7/365 via both mobile and VPN and have a required response time of 1 hour to publicly address the issue with an honest assessment of the situation and any related downtime...with the caveat that if they are not able to address the issue and accomplish a fix within a said amount of time that the servers will be rolled back. It boils down to process.
    dreadlord likes this.
  13. KryptoKnight New Member

    Maybe they are gonna fix what ever they did to make my cleric's feet disappears. DN does a patch to fix one thing, and breaks 10 more.
  14. Mesc No $$$ Until the Experience is put back on Mobs!!!

    I think the current maintenance is to nerf Overseer even more. Someone realized they only did a 50% nerf instead of them all
    Mintalie likes this.
  15. Rarecandy Journeyman

    Having worked at several different companies over the years, there are still plenty of places that simply don't use best practices for most things. They're usually running legacy code (sounds familiar), some of them storing a lot of things in plain text they shouldn't be, not using a standard form of version control, etc.

    Your organization may do things "right", but unfortunately there are many many out there who are doing many things probably objectively wrong but still making money and probably won't change their ways unless forced to, selling to a larger company that cares, or simply going out of business.
  16. Zenja New Member

    Completely agree; however, it's still frustrating to see large companies with antiquated service models.
  17. Zamiam Augur

    I hope they roll back to yesterday .. I just claimed 2 krono for 2 of my accounts and would like said krono back .. then im not gonna sub anymore till this game/servers are more stable .. I have not been able to play sense sunday ..
  18. Nennius Curmudgeon

    In this case it is a "potential" issue. Baby steps first I guess.
  19. nildiar Lorekeeper

    well... now there is a tweet with a link to a post that gives a 3 hour estimated downtime from posting around 103 pm PST so ny that eta 403 PM PST sooo a 13 hour patch 1 hour later followed by a 3 hour then less than 24 hours later an additional 8 hours
  20. Scraper New Member

    Just heard Mickey Mouse has started wearing a DPG watch..

    what a joke of a company, thankfully there are a lot more reliable gaming bodies out there, sub cancelled..

    way to go