What raid can you solo, part infinity...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cicelee, Jan 26, 2017.

  1. Slippry Augur

    Aaryonar is one of the hardest dragons in there. Dagarn the Destroyer or Lord Koi'Doken are going to be better solo targets. Maybe some of the triplets, too. But I forget which ones had real mechanics.
  2. NameAlreadyInUse #CactusGate

    Excellent! Is there a way to skip Aaryonar? If not, I'll just have to see about boxing him :)
  3. Bard_Bard Journeyman

    get a group or 2 to kill the first dragon then you and your buddies can drop, split up, and re get the task to solo or box the other dragons.
  4. shiftie Augur

    Killing raid mobs isn't about speed of kill, if you can kill it quickly it probably wasn't all that hard to begin with.
    Kravn likes this.
  5. gotwar Gotcharms

    You can just DA/fade past Aary to go onto the other dragons. Fish dragon guy is a good solo target, would start there imo.

    Be sure to try Lord Vyemm too.
    Axxius and Slippry like this.
  6. Hellboy007 Augur

    Solo the SoD old blackburrow raid =)