What next.... Rogue 81 1000AA

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Budian, Sep 5, 2013.

  1. Budian New Member

    So last night I hit the 1000 AA cap for my silver account. I am about halfway through level 81 and I am looking for suggestions about what to do next. Do I go ahead and buy into GOLD account status and open up AA again or do I start to work on just leveling up to 100?

    I have a cleric at 76 and just over 500AA that I box with when I cannot find a group. This account will remain SILVER for now as it is just a bot for heals for the rogue.

    I have been back about two months and have been just solo/molo mostly to gain AA.

    Not sure if I should start looking for a guild to join. I was a raiding member of OMANI and INVICTVS on Bertox before I left. Looks like both of those have merged and moved on.

    Any suggestions?
  2. Jmac Elder

    When I was boxing a silver account, I would buy a SC Wal-mart card (gives 2000 SC) and buy the AA unlockers from the market place as I needed them. I think 100 or 150 SC will buy 100 AA's to unlock over the cap. That worked good for me because I didn't want to pay for a month of playtime and then have a few weeks where I didn't get to play much and feel like I wasted money on game time. I would also take advantage of the double SC days and stock up for when I wanted to do some AA grinds.

    But one thing to remember, as you get higher in level and start working in end game zones you will benefit and be able to do a lot more with a Gold account. Being able to use the J5 mercs and prestige gear/augs make a lot of difference in what you can accomplish, especially if you solo/molo a lot.
  3. Sebbina Augur

    You might determine how much plat you can farm in any given time, check the current asking/offering prices on Krono in the bazaar. If you could expect to buy a kroon for say 250k, and it takes you again say 2 months to farm 250k, you could set up a plan to farm for 2 months and then buy a krono and play gold for 30 days while you grind AA. You also need to determine what kind of play time are you looking at, casual, more intense, want to raid high end. Depending on your goals and play time, you can decide if you want to remain silver and develop alts up to say 95 (VOA will be free to play on COTF release), farm plat and occasionally buy 30 days of gold to boost AA, farm plat intensively enough to by Krono every 30 days or less, or just go gold with a subscription. Also what do you want to do with the second account as an assist to leveling, farming, building a new class, etc.
  4. Arderd and Crowd Augur

    I'd say hit 90, and level your bot a bit. Then when you can do all 3 sets of dailies (alternate, 85, 90) go gold and bust out a ton.