
Discussion in 'Tanks' started by bluehealer, Jan 12, 2014.

  1. bluehealer Journeyman

    I want to make a tank for my group, there any reason to make a warrior in 2014 if I'm a casual non-raider?
  2. silku Augur

    If all the whining on the boards is to be taken seriously, there is no reason to make a warrior at all. I still see them tanking on what few raids I go on though. Knights can tank just as well I'm told, and paladins get the back up benefits of cures/heals and massive aggro.. and sk's can swarm to speed things up. Catch twenty two.
  3. Daegun Augur

    Warriors make fine tanks. It really depends on the play style you want. All 3 tanks are viable, warriors really got some nice new tools, but you might limp along until later levels. It gets much better 96+.

    -Knights tank great (at least as well as warriors across group content)
    -knights have the capability to solo better than warriors
    -knights bring utility that warriors do not
    -dps is comparable, my sk does a bit more than my warrior at baseline - definitely burns harder

    -warriors tank great
    -in terms of raw damage intake, nobody takes less damage
    -warriors get some neat tools, not much utility
    -warriors have the strongest defensive discs
    -warriors have fewer aa needed to function at their best (blessing and a curse)
    -warriors shine against heavy melee named, caveat is that they cannot self heal
    -lack of self heals makes them a bit more gear reliant - but all tanks are very gear reliant

    Up to you. Warriors are viable, strong even in their own right. My knights have an easier time though and are a lot more self reliant and group friendly.

    The 'reason' to play a warrior is the desire to play one. The balance pendulum is forever swinging. Knights are generally better in most areas right now, but one swing of the pendulum and roles always reverse. The debs have been good, though, lately of making content tank able by all 3 classes. I expect they will all 3 (hopefully) be viable and interchangeable in most content (and all group content).

    ^ honest and unbiased opinion from a guy who plays both sk and warrior in an endgame group environment. With comparable gear they are completely interchangeable - my sk just brings more to the table. Been playing my warrior exclusively as sk is max aa without any gear upgrades available until the next release of content. The warrior is fun to play in its own right.
  4. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    I have a 100 warrior that tanks just fine. Just really depends on whether you want a spell book or not and whether you plan doing nothing but solo or being a some sort of group format.
  5. Recnarp Augur

    I would do a SK for group tanking, but that's me.
  6. Usullx Lorekeeper

    A Shadow Knight is off the charts fun, especially in a group setting.
  7. Kamea Augur

    The reason to make a warrior for group content in 2014 was the No Time to Bleed disc. But I'd wait a month to see if it's get nerfed on live, as it most likely will be in the coming weeks (specifically, check to make sure the duration and reuse time is still 5 mins.)
    Mozzarella and bluehealer like this.
  8. Makavien Augur

    Yeah I would not suggest a warrior for group content. If they make the NTTB nerf live . It was the best upgrade for group warriors in 5 years and now it will no longer be sustainable. So it will be another situational buff.
    Mozzarella likes this.
  9. Morgoth Elder

    They might as well just remove nttb if they kill the sustainability. It was designed to be sustainable. Leave it alone!
  10. Tharrg Augur

    Warriors are great and fun.. but be warned that unless you have good friends and guild etc.. trying to solo at as a warrior at level 75-90 may be almost impossible. well actually it is possible but it will feel impossible. Just make sure your server has a good active community for those levels.. as getting there is easy and fun.. its just that once you get into that 75-90 area.. you really are going to struggle without help.
    Mozzarella likes this.
  11. Battleaxe Augur

    I'd suggest casual non-raiders avoid all three of the tank classes if possible. None of them have ever been a very good casual class. All of them are highly gear and AA dependent. Even if you take the easy route of making pp and buying tank gear it will drain a casual group's resources.

    Best IMO to create a at-range damage group using a Mage pet to tank. Casters are inherently less gear dependent.

    Second best is to use a Merc tank which will at least give you the freedom to use melee DPS if you want.

    Third best IMO is an SK tank. You'll still be saddled with tank class AA and gear dependence, but in earlier content you've the advantage of fear kiting (Fear can be used in other interesting ways too) and later on swarming. While it's true later on swarming will die out, it still works in levels where you'll be putting on your largest mass of AA's.

    Btw, even with NNtB Warriors weren't close to being a best choice for casuals. Negligible group friendly utility, high maintenance, etc.
    Mozzarella likes this.
  12. Saphfyre Elder

    I am planning on making a Warrior myself. Just trying to figure which Race to choose. Does the stun immunity of Orges make a huge difference? Or is it ok to pick a different race without stun immunity?
  13. code-zero Augur

    Frontal Melee Stun Immunity isn't that big a deal. Iksar AC bonus would be a better plan though at the top end of the game that seems to become display only.
  14. Makavien Augur

    Class is more or less a choice on looks and what you like the stun immunity is not needed with our aa and the ac iskar bonus is only visible ac which is really only like 4 ac.

    Halfling is about the best choice (for faster exp) in the lower levels but they have hairy feet.
    code-zero likes this.
  15. Repthor Augur

    halfings also has hide and sneak. u just cant use them at the same time like i rog could but if used properly its a make shift invis and u can sneak past stuff that u coulden normaly quite handy
    code-zero likes this.
  16. Tharrg Augur

    I think Gnomes make for the best Warriors. Even though I am now an Ogre.. I stay in Gnome form.... in memory of my original Gnome warrior.. the first on Xegony
  17. Makavien Augur

    oh man too bad i can't edit that post I meant RACE instead of class lol
  18. Jent Elder

    I have a 100 war, 100 sk, and currently am leveling a 95 pally. For my casual box group the warrior is my first choice. I find that with Phantom Aggressor they hold aggro very easily with wiz mercs on burn. The SK will lose aggro almost invariably in that situation. Admittedly, I largely swarmed with my SK while I grouped with the warrior. I am without question a better warrior than SK! That said, I have used every technique I've read about or that I can think of on the SK and still find it a major struggle to hold aggro.

    So if you are going the route of high damage toons or mercs and don't want to have to spend a ton of time controlling your tank, I'd go warrior.
  19. gahlamorf New Member

    AHH... But there is a point to be made there... you BOX a group. that is the ONLY way a warrior can be effective as things stand. I do not box ANY of my toons, and becouse of that I can only be effective as a tank (group geared t1 RoF via bazzar) solo up to HoT. Yes, I can solo tash mobs in the current "High" end zones, but to get the "group" gear you HAVE to be in a group. The other tank classes can solo named.
    Mozzarella likes this.
  20. silku Augur

    I assume you mean in old content? I've never seen a shadowknight or paladin solo a named in CoTF or even most of RoF. (Maybe the occasional, but most classes can do some named at a point or another.)