VP Key Enough is Enough

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Pneumothorax777, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. Fudly Elder

    That's my guild's experience as well. I'm not convinced there are placeholders. The spawn rate is horrid whether everything gets slaughtered or not.
    Gremin likes this.
  2. Machen New Member

    That's actually not a bad rate at all. Works out to an AJ every 72 minutes on average. When we were farming it we put in a threeish hour session across 3 picks and got zero AJ's. Bad RNG on our part, but good RNG on your part I'd say. We had a few players in that 20 hour range too, but often it was players who saw him spawn multiple times and another group got to it first. When actively clearing, one every 2-4 hours seems about average in my experience.
    ttin likes this.