Upgrade from old raid arms or keep that lovely focus?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Weebaaa, Jul 1, 2017.

  1. Weebaaa Augur

    So I've been holding out on upgrading my arms for years, since I own a pair of vambraces from VoA raids. Simply because of their focus. (http://lucy.allakhazam.com/spell.html?id=23387&source=Live) Which increases chances to Crit with melee skills by 360%

    The current group focus is only up to 280%.

    Is there anything I'm missing in regard to the melee focus on those old raid arms? Should i hold tight onto my raid arms until I can't take it any longer?
  2. Aurastrider Augur

    If you have an updated pair parse the difference. The extra heroics might make a difference compared to the focus or maybe they felt the focus was OP so they dropped it on later versions making the old pair better in terms of overall dps.
  3. Brudal Augur

    The increased heroics (specifically dexterity) will help offset the base level critical hit chance. My recommendation would be to baseline parse with your raid arms then swap to a set of group arms with a dex type 5.

    Comparison of Rogue Elegant (voa raid) vs Rogue group
