Update Bugs 12/09/15

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by JChan, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. Eniner Augur

    Gamma is fixed on your end. You will need to load options go to display then hit the advanced tab and then enable windowed gamma
  2. Quality Lorekeeper

    Charms still do not take new augs, effectively making them useless
    Ranged items, see above comment.
    Cleave is on legs and fero is on arms, this is incorrect as it has been the other way for many many expansions. This causes people with TDS and below arms and TBM legs to completely lose Cleave or vice versa.
    Many items still don't have appropriate clicks, and the ones that do have incorrect levels (being TBM click effect is lower then prior expansion).

    Will this be a month away to patch? if so, just say it so. I am going to quit EQ again after coming back for TBM. Maybe that's what you guys want is enough to quit to justify cutting eq from your line up?
  3. svann Augur

    I had that same error message and I think the problem was that something had marked my everquest folder as read only. Anyway when I took that off then the error message stopped
  4. Quality Lorekeeper

    Forgot to add:

    Group armor vendor is still empty in PoHealth as well as an empty vendor in PoTranquil.
  5. Pirlo Augur

    Rumor has it its for the next campaign that will introduce level 110 and they will have the gear for those levels.
  6. Quality Lorekeeper

    If that's the case they need to say it, instead of just straight up ignoring their customers questions.
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  7. Silv Augur

    Completing "Relics of Health" PoHealth collection achievement is still checking off "Relics of Decay" in the overarching "The Broken Mirror Darkly" achievement. It should be updating "See the Broken Mirror".

    I'm concerned if this is going to even update properly for people who already have it done when it's fixed. :confused:

    PS. Please revert the changes or add back the gamma slider. It's horrible.
  8. Naugrin Augur

    Please put sympathetic strike of flames 14 or 15 on this and call it a day.
  9. Siny Augur

    As a result of the patch, Caravan Satchel has lost its nice golden graphic. Its now a very boring brown :/
    Ssdar and Pirlo like this.
  10. Elizabeta Augur

    Intended or not... TBM item does not tribute to the Guild Tribute Master but does go to the Personal Tribute Master. (tested with item: Shadowthorn)
  11. Khoza Augur

    The Player Studio item Staff of Ssraeshza is listed as a 2 hand blunt ornament in the marketplace. However, the actual item is 1 hand blunt. Can this be corrected, please? (Hopefully add 2 hand blunt, since people are buying it for that!)
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  12. Riley Augur

    Over-nerf of pets on TLP has Necros and Mages livid.
  13. Absor Developer

    This is intended. That was meant to be a unique look for a different thing.

    We are looking into most of the other things mentioned here. More information when I have it.

    Quality and Silv like this.
  14. Absor Developer

    About The Incomplete Face of Life and Decay container, that will show on the vendor for folks that have completed the raids in the Crypt of Sul. Frankly, that note should never have been posted, as it is only confusing and incomplete.

    roguerunner and Elricvonclief like this.
  15. EddieP Lorekeeper

    Druid AA Hidden Communion of the Cheetah still shows -1/1 for 15 aa? Intended? Do I Need to spend 15aa to get to 0??
  16. Absor Developer

    That vendor gives stuff for killing things in Hate and Fear. You'll need faction from killing in those zones to see his offerings.

    Quality likes this.
  17. Warpeace Augur

    Maybe rename them to something that reflects what it will offer?
  18. Silv Augur

    Is it intended they are almost identical (give or take 15-30 HP) to the other group armor and dropped stuff? :confused: Seems there is no purpose for the sets...
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  19. Prathun Developer

    The Staff of Ssraeshza Player Studio item was listed in the wrong category in the marketplace. Category has been changed and will be pushed out soon(tm).
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  20. Nniki Augur

    Sindiarr's Sword of The Herring King in the marketplace isn't bringing up the item inspect window when hitting the inspect button.