Universal Chat

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fendy, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. Fendy Augur

    I can't decide. When universal chat does this for 30 minutes
    is it a bug or a feature?
  2. Edrick Augur

    It sucks. I appreciate SOE for making an attempt at fixing it so we don't have to zone when the UCS goes down, but... I'd rather have the old system until they can refine the new system and get it working.
  3. Caudyr Augur

    Revert the change to the old way until they can do as Edrick said and refine the new system and get it working properly (it's still crashing and requiring zoning to get it to come back, after all, so nothing's actually fixed).

    Also, give us a / command to let us attempt to rejoin the UCS manually when it crashes that way w/o zoning. -_-
    Yinla and Stubar like this.
  4. Stubar Augur

  5. Ronak Augur

    The current bug with chat channels that causes UCS to rejoin all channels every 2 or 3 seconds...for hours on end, is far worse than the old issue of having to zone to rejoin channels. I concur with the above posters, reverting it to the old way until this bug is resolved would be the ideal short term thing to do.
  6. noclue Elder

    Agreed, this needs to be fixed.
    Someone suggested it was related to using "Auto Join", but I do not know how that helps us or if it is true.