Time frame for servers back up

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Amcilla, Oct 19, 2016.

  1. Amcilla New Member

  2. Vdidar Augur

    I think they said 9 hours originally so add 7 subtract 2 for an announcement then figure another 15 for emergency patches to fix the patch.
    Drusi and Stickman like this.
  3. Rainlover Augur

    actually the servers came up... and then got taken back down already a few hours ago (and early). so we are in the patch to fix the patch.
    Achilliess likes this.
  4. EnchFWO Augur

    They just tweeted to add another two hours. Huzzah!
    Achilliess likes this.
  5. Flat Toad Elder

    Aye; 2 more hours (at least)....go watch the debate.
  6. Achilliess New Member

    A Sarnak incursion was discovered, extending today's maintenance another 2 hours. Thanks for your patience!

    That was posted it says 51 minuets ago on twitter so looks like it will be up shortly.
  7. Cactuszach Elder

    Let me just do some quick math here...

    Dragon Jockey and Achilliess like this.
  8. Achilliess New Member

    ITS UP lol