Test Update 5/9/2023 - New Bugs Only

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, May 9, 2023.

  1. EQ Dev Developer

    This thread is for new bugs and how to reproduce them only. Please keep all opinions, discussions, posts about balance, and anything else in the other thread.
    Patch notes and discussions thread
    Yinla likes this.
  2. Zirachh New Member

    FTE bug - An OOG healer can cast healing on someone, then sit ontop of the mob to force the mob to attack them. Once the mob hits the healer, the healer now can attack the mob, and if they do more damage, they steal the kill.
    Skuz likes this.
  3. ForumBoss Augur

    • Text elements in non-inventory (legacy?) UI windows momentarily flicker (disappear) when opening and closing bags in the inventory window. The inventory window appears to be the only UI that does not flicker.
    • If a mage proximity aggros a mob by running up to it, the mage pet will not assist whether guarding or actively telling it to attack. I've heard this is the case with enchanter charm pets as well.
    • If you FD mobs on someone, the locked mobs attack the trainee, but are locked to you. you can stand up and kill the mobs while they tank it, and the trainee seems to have priority aggro. The mobs locked to the trainer will hit and cast on the trainee. If the mob was prox-aggrod, the mobs are un-killable. The locked mobs can be killed immediately by the trainee, if the trainer FD's following an intentional action on the mob such as a taunt or jolt. This was in lower guk. This last behavior can be reproduced by FD'ing a crowd of mobs on someone that are a mix of prox aggro and intentional aggro. The trainee will be able to kill the actively aggrod mobs by the trainer only. The trainer can stand up, cast on a mob, and FD, then the trainee will be able to kill the mob.
    • There appears to be no timeout on the locked mobs whatsoever, no matter how long the person who FD'd the mob stays down or how far away they are. This is also the case if the mob owner never damages a mob and stands still without FD'ing. I'm posting this as a bug because the FAQ said that locked mobs should return to spawn then unlock after some time, but the return to bind doesn't occur to begin with if someone is around when the FD occurs.
    Skuz and Agarikon like this.
  4. AethDW Elder

    1) FTE does not lock if someone else gets to the top of aggro list. Example: train a mob (with character 1) which has proximity aggro mechanics onto another ungrouped character (2) and run past character 2. The mob will attack character 2. Specifically tested in Karnor's castle DZ. Same effect encountered with drovlargs, undead, and Venril Sathir.

    2) When the above occurs the mob is treated as complete unlocked (permanently?). Same as above, have another ungrouped character 3 standing far away who is not on aggro and does not get proximity aggro. Once character 2 is trained, character 3 is able to nuke the mob and get kill credit despite never interacting with that mob previously or being on its hatelist. For clarity, all 3 ungrouped characters are able to damage the mob and get kill credit if they do the most damage once it is trained onto character 2 in this scenario, just specifically the ability for a 3rd, previously non aggro character being able to interact with the mob seems not intended.
    Skuz and Agarikon like this.
  5. Dagud New Member

    FTE prevents mobs assisting each other correctly.
    Fighting a gnoll in South Karana, when a second gnoll paths by and adds to the fight, just as the first gnoll starts to flee.
    The second gnoll is a healer, who proceeds to chain heal the first gnoll, except none of the heals land because the first gnoll is locked.
    Skuz and HealBigBoy like this.
  6. Gamdor New Member

    This doesnt work at all. If I train one of my characters (both ungrouped) the mobs then attack that character. If I FD they automatially attack the other character. If I do either of these the mobs remain unlocked and both characters can attack the same mob.
    Skuz and Agarikon like this.
  7. Dagud New Member

    In a zone by myself, nothing on agro list, no target selected.
    When a nearby mob respawns, get a wall of red spam:
    "Your attack failed because your target is Encounter Locked to someone else."
    The text is displayed several times per second, for approx 6 seconds.
    I'm guessing it has something to do with the mob spawn event, temporarily locking the mob until it has fully loaded into the game.
    Skuz likes this.
  8. Trox2010 Augur

    Guards don't assist newbies anymore; even if you have /yell the mob.

    Character with low health can steal the mob away from the person it was originally locked to.
    Skuz and Agarikon like this.
  9. Go Take A Nap Augur

    Solo play, while in a dungeon alone.

    Creatures ignoring enchanter charm pets threat, making them unable to use a charm pet to tank. Damage from charm pet was applied though.

    Tested this with two methods. The first attempt was to send charm pet in first, without casting or proximity agro. Enemy creature came directly to enchanter instead of attacking the charm pet. After one minute of waiting for charm pet to pull threat i had to zone.

    Second attempt I cast a spell to aggro the mob first and then sick charm pet with the same results.
    Skuz, Agarikon and kizant like this.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Not that this is anything but a bad workaround but have you tried using /yell on the charmed pet?
  11. Agarikon EQ addict since '99

    • Charmed pets no longer pull aggro
    • Guards no longer assist players
    • Numerous scenarios cause mobs to become invulnerable despite beating on you, leaving you with no way to defend yourself from an invulnerable mob that's actively killing you
    Skuz likes this.
  12. internalprime8 Journeyman

    Encounter Lock Testing

    - Encounter Locking is enabled in instanced content. This seems contrary to the stated goals of the feature since you would not be stealing kills or training other players in an instance. If that were to happen, you would just remove them from the instance. I tested this using an Agent of Change but not an LDoN adventure or a task.
    - Proximity (body) aggro initially locks an encounter but it seems like someone outside the group can use beneficial spells on the player to take the lock from that player.
    - It appears that getting an out of group character to 120 on the hate list for a locked mob removed the lock and functions like /yell where it becomes a DPS race and anyone can attack it. I did not have a 3rd character to test with to confirm if the lock is truly removed or if it is just for the initial character and the OOG character who reaches 120 hate.
    - Having a mob locked and then using Feign Death within proximity of other characters outside your group will cause the locked mob to aggro and attack those out of group players while retaining the lock on the FD character. Those out of group characters cannot defend themselves against the locked mob attacking them. If the FD character stands back up, aggro does not transfer back to them unless they attack the locked mob.
    - Guards do not even try to assist when you are being attack by an encounter-locked mob. /yell does not help.
    - Mobs that are hostile to one another and engage in combat do not lock to one another. Assumed to be intentional but noting it in case it helps with any other troubleshooting.
    Zrender, Skuz and ForumBoss like this.
  13. Khanfu Elder

    I sure some, if not all, of these issues have been reported but just what I noticed in a very short test.

    Healing oog sometimes unlocked encounter. Maybe it was sitting.. was able to engage the mob. Random?

    FD was able to train others easily and FTE timers didn't drop. Seem like regular mob reset. Not working? EDIT+ mobs will aggro anyone walking back to spawn as well but still locked to FD puller. Thought they would be locked to puller and reset at spawn??

    Task not receiving credit for kills. Very random. To many variables to guess why. Deaths, OOG characters? who knows.

    Lets just say pets don't work.. test them.

    Cant aggro newly spawned mob for a few seconds. Going to really be a bad issue on new TLP.

    Mob behavior is really weird. Mob assisting needs lots of testing. Not able to heal, maybe lock prevents add from assisting.

    FTE encounter just unlocking randomly.

    Somehow gaining aggro from locked mobs but cant attack the mob in any way. EDIT+ (maybe proximity aggro, other group could be fighting locked mobs and maybe the mobs have not been hit and only had social aggro. Proximity would aggro on my puller but they are locked to others and can not be engaged or damaged but come to my group)

    EDIT+ /yell working as intended to drop a single mob from the encounter but this is really exploitable as it works now. I just thought about testing /yell on others encounters to see if anything is wrong there. Will report on that later if able..

    EDIT+ Definitely something going on with Proximity aggro or sitting, and Healing/ buffing aggro. Runes, taunts etc... They break encounter locks or aggro locked mobs.
    Skuz likes this.
  14. Juzam_Djinn Elder

    I just copied an Necromancer alt over to the Test server because I wanted to mess around for a minute, thinking of subbing it in the next month or so, and I ran into an issue. Neither of the Remote Sphere spells she had were damaging mobs, I could see the spell effect hitting them, but they took no damage. If I plopped the Aura down near unaggroed mobs, it would hit and damage them once, but then never damage them again.

    The only thing that I know is different right now is that Encounter Locking is turned on on the server. Is that what's causing this?
    Khanfu likes this.
  15. magikarp Elder

    The following is not my own video, but found on EQprogression's YouTube channel from his recorded testing

    in scenario one there is an undefendable 'super train' caused just from monk feigning (minute 6:55):

    from the same video, there is another scenario to produce this effect (agro'ed but locked mobs) (at minute 12:00):

    this occurs when someone with the initial FTE lock drops group, and therefore takes the lock with them. This is especially bad because I can see that happening on accident, which would wipe or force an evacuate for any group no matter how geared or prepared they may be

    edit: looks like the embedded youtube link removes the timestamp, so you'll have to navigate to the minute marks I've referenced at ~7 and 12 minutes respectively.
    Silvena likes this.
  16. AethDW Elder

    While in a raid, if the puller who got the initial tag goes LD, the mob becomes immortal until the puller is removed from the world. Does not seem to happen in a group, only in a raid.

    Enchanter mez that has a memblur component can reset the FTE. Tested with Bliss.
    Yinla likes this.
  17. Sdoofbuc Augur

    FTE bug -
    I am on a level 100 Monk with a healer merc. Just us 2. We are both in the same group (duh).

    If my healer merc gets aggro on something before me; it locks the mob and I have to zone or suspend my merc to clear it.

    Example - I am killing a mob. It starts to run. I chase after it. A second mob aggros my healer merc before me. That second mob is locked to my healer merc and I can't do anything to that second mob.
    Meeko likes this.
  18. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    What makes that weirder, is I don't think mercs can get aggro before you. So its social aggro which should be to you but is apparently on the merc.
    Svann2 likes this.
  19. Loscropos New Member

    Enchanter can root mobs, then send in charmed pet.
    Mob ignores charm pet and it can solo it with no damage being taken.
    Doesn’t work if grouped.
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I've seen mobs assist other mobs, when only the tank merc has been nearby killing, mercs will attack other mobs that hit them that haven't yet agroed players.