Test Update 4/12/2022 - Patch Notes and Discussions

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Apr 12, 2022.

  1. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Probably could /testcopy your character then login to test server to see.
    klanderso likes this.
  2. Razorfall Augur

    Then you should increase the damage on vander's bane and spiked scaled whip to compensate. The spiked scaled whip had already been nerfed to where it wasn't worth using except for when under the effects of a imbued ferocity/flurry of notes effect.
  3. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    The Universe has no center look it up.
  4. Nicotero New Member

    Can we have the mana cost from the procs removed, which was originally lobbied for based on how the original GoDR worked?

    I like to use Proclamation for Blood. Are we going to update Defiler's Synergy to work with it at 120 instead of our 115 Assert for Blood?
  5. BlueberryWerewolf Augur

    I didn't notice this in these Test patch notes and only just noticed in the Live patch notes today, so when I did this I didn't realize it was a new change as I've only been back to the game a short while.

    This didn't actually work when I did this on Test a few days ago.

    He does go through the dialog about setting your primary, secondary, etc specializations without asking for a ruby but they still all just got reset to 49.

    I'll give it a look on Live when they come back up, but just wanted to make a note in case anyone else notices it not working.
  6. Arkanny Augur

    Where are the wizard buffs? we kinda hurtin ya know.
    Dre. likes this.
  7. BlueberryWerewolf Augur

    Confirmed this does appear to be working correctly on Live.
  8. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I tested this last Thursday on test and it set all my abilities to the correct values
  9. BlueberryWerewolf Augur

    I lied, I'm experiencing the same bug now on Live where my specialization skills get reset to 49 upon zoning, but not every time I zone.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Do you have the Secondary Forte AA? It could be related to that as I am not experiencing that issue when I zone.
  11. BlueberryWerewolf Augur

    I do, yes. Apparently they've identified the issue, I also started Bug Report thread on it.
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  12. Angahran Augur

    Has anyone seen a hard crash issue when loading a custom UI ?
    Basically, you do /loadskin xyz and hard crash eqgame.exe

    Then, reload and the UI you attempted to load is there.
    So seems like something is broken with the /loadskin command and not the actual UI (although did have to fix my UIs for the pet and template changes).

    /loadskin default also causes hard crash.