Test Update 04/09/2024 - Patch Notes and Discussions

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by EQ Dev, Apr 8, 2024.

  1. Eomund New Member

    This gets tricky when you have adds that spawn on top of the raid in a pile that can't be easily split apart. I'm afraid ae targeting mechanics won't allow for multiple people or casts to target different mobs within a pile. Typically an AE with limited targets will keep targeting the same targets if it's cast in the exact same way. For example, I rounded up 20 low level mobs and AE mez with encorcelling wave, hitting them all. Then I free-target mez with hypnotic stare (limit 6 targets), and the spell overwrote 6 encorcelling wave mezzes. Then I cast hypnotic stare again and it re-mezzes the exact same 6, it didn't pick a new 6. This isn't so bad for raids where mobs could be divided into piles, or casters could move apart from one another to split the pile up.

    I've had difficulty thinking of some too, since it usually is less than 30 mobs. I did find an example in my logs of the final Arx Mentis raid having 46 ire liches pop during the pbaoe mez add phase. It doesn't always pop that many, sometimes it was as few as 15. The strategy on that raid is to just have a rogue or enchanter aoe mez them for 10-20 seconds and they despawn when mezzed. It "might" be possible to split the pile up with 2 enchanters, but if someone pulls agro and groups them all together it could get difficult.

    Other examples that may or may not have more than 30 adds:
    Poair spider island mobs
    SoD kurns tower raid
    Evantil raid with ants at end
    Argin Hiz burn out raid with adds at beginning
    TBM Plane of Health Stem the Tide quick kill achievement that includes trash clear aoe roundup
  2. Galvanize Elder

    Does the technology exist now to make EQ a borderless windowed mode? With the changeover to DX11 that shouldn't be too bad right?

    Part of the reason I ask is your fullscreen/windowed fixes break some of the ways to simulate borderless windowed mode (A guy has an App for EQ2 for this that works on EQ etc)
    Fanra likes this.
  3. Iven the Lunatic

    The chance is 99% that you will get disappointed.
    Flexin likes this.
  4. Cairbrae Developer

    Yes, and this is the default case on Windows 10/11 systems.
  5. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    I think 95+% of the player base would really really like borderless windowed.

    (and yes, I'm pulling that number out of my behind, so if you want to say how I really am just making stuff up, go ahead.)

    As for, "shouldn't be too bad", nothing is easy in EQ. However, it should now be possible and is, I believe, highly desired amongst the player base.
    Scila, Flexin and Demetri like this.
  6. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    WTF? How can we get this?!???? Everyone I know plays EQ in Windows 10/11 and no one has ever mentioned they have this.

    Sorry, but the way you have phrased this sounds like we have it now. And if we do, no one seems to know about it.
    Winnowyl and Demetri like this.
  7. Demetri Augur

    My kingdom for borderless windowed EQ!
    Galvanize and Fanra like this.
  8. Iven the Lunatic

    It is there but does not work correctly. The EQ fullscreen window is nearly always going out of focus when switching back to it, which does produce a fake top bar that does look similar like being in windowed mode.
  9. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    I play windowed mode and quite often have to put the cursor on the top bar, drag it up so it only shows a white line, and then drag the bottom and sides of the window to (mostly) fill up my monitor, as well as adjust the horizontal.

    I've recently played some borderless windowed games and was all set to request EQ do it. It is so much better. Really better. We need this in EQ!

  10. Galvanize Elder

    Max Rank Test Server Reaver's Bargain:

    Max Rank Live Server Reaver's Bargain:

    Raising the minimum hit threshold helps secure it as more of a named/raid cooldown which is totally fine, buffs to the unconscious HP is a nice addon but the absorb amount is too low for modern content.

    A raid boss can swing for up to ~165k unmitigated but even if you take a median number like 75k
    75k - 32k Threshold * 0.75 for Mitigated % = ~32,000 Damage absorbed on a median swing.

    Of course you have other mitigation and absorbs but at least in any raid setting this is about 20 seconds of protection from something that is a 2.5minute long buff.

    The 'risk' part of Reaver's Bargain where it could be a concern of it siphoning too much mana isn't a risk simply because the buff will never last long enough to matter.

    With the increased minimum threshold, even returning to the old 1.5mil total absorb amount would allow the buff to run for nearly 50% of its duration at least. In it's current state it lacks any identity. It can't reliably protect from big swings because it can't absorb enough. The damage threshold isn't low enough to protect from lots of minor hits either.

    If it's meant to be raid mob protection from bad D20 intervals, crank up the threshold a bit more and the total absorb amount. If it's meant to be general protection the damage threshold can stay where it is as long as the absorb amount is higher to match how long you want the buff to actually run.
    Cadira, Ashigaru and Ozon like this.
  11. Galvanize Elder

    It's definitely not a current option from anything I've been able to tell (I *hate* the white bars and Windows XP or earlier old window frames...)

    I use: https://www.eq2interface.com/downloads/info5106-MakeWindowFullscreen.html
    It works with EQ, point it at EQGame.exe and follow the short readme. I had to make it administrator to do an accurate resizing 2560x1440p resolution completely borderless and overlays etc still work with GINA/EQLP for parsers/triggers whatever you want.
    Nennius likes this.
  12. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    You are my hero!

    My target is: <folder>\MakeWindowFullscreen.exe eqgame

    Having it as eqgame.exe did not work but eqgame did. I did not make it administrator.

    Tapping the "Windows" key on the keyboard will bring up the taskbar and permit other windows to be launched, etc.

    Works great. Highly recommend.
  13. Cairbrae Developer

    I answered "yes" to the question that we do have the technology because full screen optimized mode is the default on Windows 10/11 and it's basically the same thing as (full screen) borderless windowed mode.

    Yes, if you activate ALT-ENTER on those platforms, then EQ is in that mode. If you check "Disable fullscreen optimizations" then you'll be in full screen exclusive mode instead.
  14. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Unable to find "Disable fullscreen optimizations" setting in LaunchPad or in Options > General or in Options > Display or in Options > Display > Advanced.

    Hitting Alt-Enter in windowed mode gets me (Windows 10) full screen mode, not borderless windowed. As seen in that no screen may be on top of full screen mode, while borderless windowed mode is just that, a window that can have other windows on top.

    Also, true borderless windowed has the minimize and close buttons there but they fade out whenever the cursor is not on them. Although I can live without them.

    I'm on Live server (Bertox) so if this is a Test only thing I can go check it there.
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I don't think it is an EQ option as there is another post about it.

    Fanra likes this.
  16. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    So, this is a work in progress, with various bugs, etc.

    So, we actually don't have fullscreen windowed mode yet. Hopefully soon(tm).

    I did try Test server just now. A work in progress, is how I would say it. As it doesn't work properly.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I was able to see it working on my computer with the test server but it showed up on the wrong monitor and I couldn't move it. From what little I did when I was testing it seemed to work just fine.
  18. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    I guess I need to post in the bug section of the Test server patch thread as it doesn't work properly for me. I think I need to make a video to illustrate, as trying to explain might not be easy.

    The "Disable fullscreen optimizations" seems to be more of a red herring, as it does not seem to be checked by default and Cairbrae seems to be saying have it unchecked for this and since it is unchecked by default...

    Off to work on this and post in the bug thread, since otherwise I'm wasting everyone's time.
  19. Zansobar Augur

    I bet that is much harder to implement.
  20. Iven the Lunatic

    Does only work for one client here, and the program does crash after each launch. Cannot adress a second client (same exe name) with it.