TDS Raid Event 3: Principal Vicarum Nomia - Progression!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Mykaylla, Dec 2, 2014.

  1. Smokn Augur

    good to kno you have to use exploits to win stuff in your guild ;)
  2. Smokn Augur

    glad you did it last to prove you cant do it as fast as you claim
  3. Shang Augur

    That's why it's hilarious that people accuse us of raiding 8 days a week.

    We start at 7:30 est, and were done by 11:00 last night.

    In that time, we beat every raid in TDS and Plane of War.

    Each week gets faster.
  4. Shang Augur

  5. Smokn Augur

    yet you claim you beat the ghost how fast? yet we still do it faster?!?
  6. Shang Augur

    Believe last night was 20 minutes.

    You guys must need moar of that Monk DPS. :rolleyes:
    Savager likes this.
  7. Smokn Augur

    umm guess you cant count that well eather, per your lockouts took you over 22 min last night shang
  8. Shang Augur

    It's not counting, it's math.

    Qulas took the screenshot late.

  9. Smokn Augur

    ROFL are you listening to yourself right now?
  10. Shang Augur

    You don't listen to posts, you read them.

    With certain drugs, I guess it's possible. Some people claim to smell purple.

    Do you listen to posts? #1*
  11. Smokn Augur

    so after you realize your comments are null n void cause you dont get lockouts based on when you take a screenshot now your changing the subject?
  12. Leighton_Orestes Elder

    What exploit? It's not exactly conventional, but it's legitimate game mechanics. Didn't you guys claim to have a GM pop into a raid you were doing to have them tell you not to continue using a new strategy pretty recently? I can say with 100% certainty that the same has never happened to us. Yet you guys want to claim exploits.
  13. Shang Augur

    You asked a question, and I answered it. I'm not sure how I changed a subject.

    You're dancing around topics. Not sure how that indicates me as changing the subject.

  14. Shang Augur

    Wait... How did we lie? 40+20=60.

    There are 60 minutes in an hour.

    You said you beat it in 21.

    21 is a larger number than 20.

    I'm not seeing where there's an issue.. We beat the event faster than you.
  15. guado Augur

    Were you around during Rain of Fear? You don't recall the DA Exploit and the controversy it stirred up? The same shenanigans are happening here. It is not a legit way of doing anything. It is 100% illegitimate.
    To answer your question: No. No GM has popped in any raid (that we noticed)

    Altho, I do recall Illa saying a GM popped in their zone. Not sure if that was to observe a DA exploit in progress or not, just stating an observation.
  16. Smokn Augur

    no you didnt based on your lockouts but guess math is a problem for you
  17. TheQxx Augur

    Nenake, Esero and Aldren like this.
  18. Shang Augur

    How long did it take us?
  19. Smokn Augur

    so you admit you can't do math then?
  20. Shang Augur

    The best way to tutor is to correct mistakes. I've learned this over the years.