Target of Target missing since patch

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Koota_, Oct 18, 2023.

  1. Koota_ New Member


    I box on laptops, and since the patch today 10/18, the Target of Target window is missing - and I am assuming its just off screen. I use the default UI on my laptops.

    How can I go about manipulating my resolution/UI so I can drag this element back? Things I've tried:

    1. Triggering the hotkey (and using the EQ button > Action >Target of Target) to try and make it pop up.
    2. Changing/rotating through all 3 resolutions on my laptop
    3. Pressing Alt+Enter
    4. Resetting my UI and layout
  2. Knifen Augur

    If you play in windowed mode its in the bottom left area bout an inch above the bottom of screen, if you normally play Full Screen, alt tab to force it into windowed - it will mess up your ui for a moment, unlock and drag the target target to center of screen and lock it, than go back to Full screen. But look at the bottom left of the screen almost out of the way, it should be there if you dont see it above the bottom left.

    Why they pick these random pieces to upgrade I don't know. Upgrade the bags next, upgrade the map next, anything that is OK to be on top when open, not having a big glaring target target right smack on top of my map.
  3. Koota_ New Member

    Thanks for the reply.

    I tried all of these things, and its still not there. I normally play windowed, but if I press ALT ENTER to force it into full screen (or even if I select full screen in the options) then it just "zooms in" to a locked portion of the screen, only about 1/4 of the visible viewing area of the game. I still cant see/grab that UI element.
  4. Knifen Augur

    Not sure but if you find/fix please post its probably going to be diff/random for lots of folks it sounds like..
    Koota_ likes this.
  5. Soulbanshee Augur

    Should peruse the monthly patch notes.

    *** UI ***

    - The Target of Target window has been converted to the new UI engine.

    Its reset to the "default" location, youll have to move it back to where you want. (Look about middle on the left side)

    And/or you set the "lock" on the window and you have to disable it to move it.
    Nennius likes this.
  6. Warpeace Augur

    Check around the bottom left corner of your UI.
    Nennius likes this.
  7. Koota_ New Member

    I'm sure it's down there, but its off the screen, and I've tried multiple things to try to adjust the screen to grab it but cannot.
  8. Koota_ New Member

    Thanks for the reply. The element is not on the visible screen whatsoever. If anywhere, I'd imagine it's "offscreen" but Im unsuccessful in getting to it.
  9. Koota_ New Member

    For those curious, this laptop's native resolution is 1366x768. There are 3 other resolutions available to choose from while in game.

    Changing to any of these resolutions, switching to full screen, manipulating the edges of the window, all don't allow me to see "further down and to the left" where this element might be hiding.

    I also made a brand new character - and the element too is also missing. Editing the UI_CharacterName file and adjusting the X/Y position to something more in line with my resolution (ie: 500/100) doesn't bring it back into the viewable area either.
  10. sirar New Member

    was having the same issue on my laptop, but was lucky that when i switched to full screen mode and then pressed ctrlU it popped back up lower left of screen, managed to move it over and reset to windowed mode
  11. Soulbanshee Augur

    Did you set XPos/YPos, RestoreXPos/RestoreYPos, XPosWindowed/YPosWindowed, or RestoreXPosWindowed/RestoreYPosWindowed under [TargetOfTargetWindow]? These are the SuiteUI values.

    I am seeing a JS.IniState entry, this is likely to be the GameFaceUI value.

    Until you can figure out how to move the window, you may want to disable new UI in game, and camp out for it to take. Then you will have your SuiteUI position back.
  12. Gialana Augur

    After yesterday's patch, my target of target window is also gone from my laptop that uses the new UI engine. On my Desktop that has the new UI disabled, the target of target window is visible and can be toggled on and off.
  13. CrazyLarth Augur

    your have to unlock it to move it if it was locked before.
  14. Gialana Augur

    After my last post, I logged into beta and my character had the target of target window with the new UI engine. In the UI_CharacterName_Server file and at the bottom of the [TargetOfTargetWindow] section there was:

    I saved that line to my character's live server UI file then opened the LaunchPad and logged in. My character then had the target of target window. I then camped to the server select and logged in a different character. The JS.IniState values were then put in that character's UI file. So it looks like once the JS.IniState values are loaded into your client, they'll be copied to other characters files that you log in during that client session. But if you close the client, any newly logged in characters won't automatically get the values

    I don't know what the numbers mean, and didn't want to mess around to see what happens, but hopefully they'll work for you, too.

    Edit: Per Meeko's response, the numbers in the JS.IniState from left to right are fractional X-position, fractional Y-postion, width, and height. So setting JS.IniState=0.5|0.5|150|50 would place the window near the center of your EQ window. Then you could adjust it from there. But Deeyo's solution below is better since you wouldn't have to muck around in your character's UI file.
  15. Deeyo New Member

    Just found a simple way to get it back. Go to EQ Button \ Options \ Display Tab\ On bottom right is the UI Scaling.. set it to .8 and hit apply. It'll pop up small on the left side of the screen. Then you can drag it over and resize as necessary. Then you can go back and reset the UI Scaling back to 1 or whatever you like.

    Brenye and Gialana like this.
  16. Niri New Member

    I have a different problem, mine is always on top. If I mouseover stuff like Mez, the tooltip is under the TofT's window and I can't see the timer. I like to have it lined up with the target, so I can see who it's clobbering, but if I then check buffs, the TofT overlaps it.
    Driving me bonkers.
  17. Soulbanshee Augur

    Thats expected as windows get ported to gameface.