Suggestion: Loyalty discount for expansion purchase

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Iven, Oct 6, 2023.

  1. Iven the Lunatic

    Yeah, you are the pro and I am the noob. :rolleyes: Gotcha !

    Bed time for the braggers now.
  2. Themono New Member

    Maybe they can sell the game to starbucks and we can all get every 10th expansion free! ;)

    This isn't about saving money with a discount for you (if it is, maybe consider re-evaluating your decision to spend money on a game). You are looking for acknowledgement of your loyalty. Really, they just need to start slapping you in the face with the fact that they keep the servers running and continue to develop expansions for loyal consumers. Or maybe try getting a puppy.
  3. Windance Augur


    Why do you expect everything for free?

    This describes exactly what you want.

    Since you are FTP and not fully supporting the EQ team you want to pay less for the expansions and shift that burden to those who are paying the monthly subscription.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It was pointed out that members with a subscription do get a loyalty discount but it seems that wasn't what he wanted.
  5. Windance Augur

    SUGGESTION: Alternative pricing model for EQ by paying to ForumQuest!

    1 - Give away base EQ + subscriptions for FREE!

    2 - Charge $0.50 per post + $0.01 per character over 100 characters.

    3 - Those that are gold members can post for FREE !
    Iven likes this.
  6. Iven the Lunatic

    Iven said:
    “It might be possible by a mixed calculation, but is unlikely to happen because of greed.”

    I do not expect everything for free; only where it makes sense but that is far away from your linked quote as it has nothing to do with expecting something for free. It is just that DBG and EG7 are for-profit companies.and not Santa Claus that has gifts to share. Why do you expect everything for free ?

    Iven said:
    “Basically there never will be anything underpriced if it is not a bait offer. But they can give you the illusion that something is underpriced by increasing other prices.”

    I am not FTP; the account is FTP and property of DBG. I have supported the EQ team more like you ever will do maybe. Those who do pay, do only transfer money that is property of someone else, like a bank, which is just another company. How can that be a burden to them, if they do not own the money at all ? In return of the money that is not their property, they do receive a service and bonuses. Good deal, isn't it ?
  7. Windance Augur

    How are you supporting the EQ team?
    CatsPaws likes this.
  8. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    edit: took my post down cause dang it - fell down the rabbit hole yet again. Made a promise to my self not to respond to posts of this nature or by certain posters who seem to take up an entire page with their posts and just argue but this one got me.

    Was only going to help new players and legitimate questions and problems about the game and not engage in debates. Which do no good.
    Randomized likes this.
  9. Iven the Lunatic

    Suggestions, critics, bug reports, newbie guide and newbie help, running a fansite, and ... posting memes !

    What about you ?
  10. Iven the Lunatic

    To late, have all on tape. :D

    All that I wrote is the truth, you just don't knew about it, but now you do. It is not there to confuse you, even that I know that many readers will be confused by it. With "your" buys you do mostly support the so called investors but not so much the devs.

    I didn't wanted to brag with my suggestions but more than ten made it into the game. Not all of them are listed in the suggestion's thread. Remember the ingame feedback and bugs functions ? There was a time where I made about ten daily reports, including suggestions, for many months, which is why those functions did get redirected to the forums.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    None of that is support that will actually keep the game running.
    Windance likes this.
  12. Iven the Lunatic

    Would be a reason to get a subscription then. :D
  13. FranktheBank Augur

    Considering there are like 15-18kr worth of tradeable items, It's probably pretty well priced.
    Barton likes this.
  14. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    What a freaking joke. You are cheap, you have demonstrated that over and over through the years. You want something for almost nothing. We pay for a service. Its irrelevant what you have spent. Its irrelevant what you paid for in the past. You are paying for a service you will use in the future, that's it.

    Need to get rid if FTP entirely and leave it to paying customers, since almost no one uses FTP for anything except boxes.
    Yinla, Windance and Randomized like this.
  15. Cicelee Augur

    DBG needs none of that. They need your money. Pure and simple.

    You sound like my wife when I ask her to help me clean the house- wash dishes, dust, vacuum, take out trash, Clorox wipe counters, etc... and she puts two Halloween pillows on the couch and calls it a day.
    Flatchy and Windance like this.
  16. FranktheBank Augur

    I agree with your first paragraph, but disagree with the second.The game doesnt need more barriers for entry, it needs less. Also less barriers for getting to lvl 110+.