Suggestion: Add "known" flag to TS search results

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Windance, May 24, 2022.

  1. Grove Augur

    Let me elaborate on a basic concept of tradeskills. For only a few recipes does game management reveal components of a recipe, by means of providing books or scrolls to click and learn. All of the rest are PLAYER DISCOVERY of the recipes implanted by game management. Often the components have attributes that give certain qualities to the end result (in this I am particularly relating to spell/tome crafting). Recipes therefore should follow a certain pattern. In the past some game management deviations have occurred making some recipes irregular in design (read that as saying wrong). Players have tried to uncover the recipes, errors and all, and sometimes do by these purposeful endeavors or by accident. Then the kind players post these results to a fan site, namely EQ Traders or sometimes Allakhazam. I believe that there are some spell crafting recipes out there that are so incorrect that they have not yet been uncovered.

    TL;DNR: Game management does not disclose recipes; fan sites are needed.
    Paladin likes this.
  2. Aanuvane Augur

    I cannot tell you how many hours I have spent trying to figure some research recipes out - the ophic card recipes (91-95) were really tough because they simply didn't follow spell line patterns in so many cases.
    Grove and Nennius like this.
  3. Hegsheoshed Augur

    I'm not seeing an unknown recipe in research in the book list area on my primary researcher. I've seen the unknown listing on Drewinette's parser but I can't recall which trade skill. I could be wrong and imagined things. Hypnagogia is fun. Sometimes I want to sleep for 11 days like that Wyatt Shaw kid.
  4. scaethach Scholar

    I think most have moved beyond those 2 sites for AP progression and use now. It does include research.

    It doesn't help at all with the wrist issues though - which is something blocking me from finishing mine (rheumatoid arthritis dx as a teenager). It's great if it doesn't affect you, but it definitely does bother some, and the TS system in this game is overall terrible for that - it's something lore-wise I really enjoy but in practicality struggle to keep up on for this reason alone.

    Not suggesting that the OPs suggestion is the answer, but something would be nice. Quested recipe books, hell - faction locked recipes as an alternative, overseer recipe rewards?
    Kaenneth likes this.
  5. Barraind Grumpy Old Bastage

    Like those hundreds of classic/kunark era quests that totally exist and nobody ever found?
  6. Paladin Augur

  7. Paladin Augur

    I disagree. Mat farming is necessary either way,

    I also believe that messing with the system can seriously mess up 350 Skills / AA's. After all, they are based on recipes you know... as in recipes that are visible to you now (not hidden, not flagged to see). So changing the system to show you any recipe... well, you can see how that may bug that up.

    I also think it will cause bugs, as such things are always want to do. Such as maybe maybe recipes you know now will suddenly get all buggy and now you don't know them. Recipes you don't know, suddenly you would know.

    Recipe books, scribed or not, would be irrelevant.

    The rumored recipes that 'have yet to be discovered' would be revealed.

    To save a few clicks (10 clicks! /gasp) and / or eliminate actual effort (challenge) from tradeskills is not realistic. Mastering tradeskills should 100% have a challenge to it. Read the books. Scribe the books. Experiment with what you know from older recipes, to figure out the new recipes. Do off-line research.

    EQ is a multi-faceted game that provides alternative ways to have fun (which means challenge, by the way -- no challenge, no fun). Tradeskills is one of those.
  8. Windance Augur

    Showing you which recipes you have yet to learn doesn't change the underlying data so it wouldn't "bug that up".

    You don't suddenly "know" them all. You still have to do the work to "learn" them.

    They would still be relevant. Scribing a book would still be the fast way to "learn" dozens of recipes as a time.

    This is the only real "downside" anyone has suggested. Look at it this way. After 23 years you finely get a chance to see the hidden Easter eggs!

    More like 3-10 clicks times x 20000 different recipes.

    The way I read these posts it makes me think that the people who push back the hardest, do so because they want others to have to walk up hill , in the snow , both ways. That's how it was for them so that's how it should be for everyone else.
    Kaenneth likes this.
  9. Aanuvane Augur

    Sorry, I can't help myself - it should only be about 6,143 to max it - not considering Alchemy, Make Poison or Tinkering.:p

    It's not really that I think just because I did it this way, you have to do it this way - If there are multiple things that could be fixed, changed, implemented, improved - this just isn't high on my list. But I do agree that an item this powerful should have commensurate effort to obtain it.
  10. Windance Augur

    Added extra for sub combines and failures =)
  11. Aanuvane Augur

    Sure, but most of those the first time to learn probably count in the 6,173 and then you can use the interface to search for them and the "make all" to make enough to do things like Pottery orbs or Energiac armors.

  12. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Tradeskills really need another overhaul. The constant repetitiveness in this game is really what drives all the websites, tools, utilities, etc that folks use. This game should no longer be called EverQuest, and be hereby dubbed EverClick. EverCamp. EverLag. EverKill. The mindless drudging was maybe cute 22 years ago, but let's get real.
  13. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.


    Kunark Archaeologist was the completion of the Kunark Era quests Prathun managed to dig up enough details on from NPC dialogues to finish, the rest were in too incomplete a state to finish. A couple of further quests could maybe be completed but they have big "holes" in their story/plot/dialogue.
    No quests in the game that can be completed hadn't been, prior to Prathun's departure.

    List of those -