Sk/shaman or Chanter/druid for Coirnav

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Soulsiphon, Mar 2, 2018.

  1. Soulsiphon Elder

    Hey guys I am looking forward to playing on Coirnav just had a few questions.

    1. Out of those two 2boxes in the title, which would be better for long term play?

    2. Playing roughly 4-6 hours a day, how long should I expect to play to get to 50 If I Group or if I solely Box?

    3. How much can I do on either or?

    4. How much will I be needed in groups/ Raiding Guilds?
  2. Johnwick Augur

    Well if you are playing from launch day ..
    I would say 10-15 hours to get into the server. ( refer to Agnarr Launch )
    I would say another 24-36 hours to get to level 50 depending on how skilled you and and if you have competition in zones. ( EXP Potions / Clarity Pots etc ) All become a factor.

    SK / Sham should be able to do all Groupable content in Classic - Velious.
    Chanter / Druid should also be able to do all groupable content in era- ( might just have issues with charm / heals ) with no slow.

    My 2 cents.
  3. BearmanSW Elder

    Both are good for quite some time. I believe enchanter charm dies out shortly after PoP, but SK/SHM is good until the end.

    Hard to tell, since we don't really know Corn's exp rate. I'd say to get to 50 expect it to take anywhere in the realm of 60-80+ hours, depending on many factors. Grouping will probably get you there faster, but if you're trying to get lvl 50 server first, you wont find too many groups.

    You can do just about all group content with both, at least thru Luclin. SK/SHM is more traditional, but ENCH/DRU can kill much faster.

    Enchanters and Druids are probably 2 of the least fun raiding classes out there, and usually in lower demand. Shaman is probably the 3rd least fun raiding class. Shadowknights are usually always welcome in raiding guilds, but they're also usually the most popular tank class.

    In groups, enchanters are the most beloved class. Shadowknights are liked because tanks are pretty rare on these servers. Shamans are meh and druids are right down there at the bottom with necros in terms of popularity in groups.

    Both are very viable combos. I guarantee that the combos you list will be 2 of the top 3 "2-box" combos on Corn. ENCH/CLR will probably be the other most common.
  4. Numiko Augur

    I think if someone had a race the ench/druid would beat the SK/Shaman to 50.

    Charm is massively overpowered in classic and the SK will have to slow down and farm gear to be effective, a caster / healer can go from 0 to 50 naked without having to pause.
  5. JustPuttinThisHere Lorekeeper

    Playing from launch, Sk/Shaman will definitely be the easier to level if you are just boxing and not grouping.

    Yes, your SK will be naked, but Shaman dots are powerful now and your shaman can do decent DPS once you get your upgraded poison dots. Your enchanter and druid will also be lacking in gear, and charm pets WILL wipe the floor with you. Druid buffs do not warrant enough HP gain, and won't be able to keep up with healing pets later on.

    I think you should try to consider more the playstyle of the duos and whether or not you really want a melee.

    And never forget, those who go the way of enchanting abandon all hope of AFK breaks while holding camps.