Sinister Steamwork Ornaments

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Cadbane, Aug 24, 2020.

  1. Knifen Augur

    No worries, dont think I didnt head to quest giver first time with half a group and some mercs to try. Ill try about any setup possible to get event 1 on farm with low low number.
  2. Wdor Thief, Assassin, Purveyor of Fine Poisons

    Look me up if you need some help. I'll be happy to if available. I also need chain, but will take plate or whatever chain bits that are duplicates of ones you have already.
    Knifen likes this.
  3. Knifen Augur

    Povar - All other parts done.

    Looking for 1 Chain BP

    Have 1 Plate BP to trade for Chain BP
  4. Tutankamen Augur

    On FV I have leather shirt but cloth legs mixed. If anyone has the opposite I'd trade one for the other. .

    I guess this raid is simply never going to be farmed/ undertaken by any guilds again so it's basically locked out until it's able to be 1 grouped - at least that's what I suspect. Unfortunately , now that they seemed to have greatly reduced power growth from xpac to xpac it could be even more years out than it would have been in the past to group this thing (if ever, considering the ridiculous healing in this raid).
  5. Hekaton Augur

    oh man this would be some overseer merchant quality item right here
    Wdor and Tutankamen like this.
  6. Slowjam New Member

    If anyone is looking to sell any extra pieces I’ve been collecting for years trying to finish some sets. Please hit me up