Should Tormax be a boxing server?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Varyk, Apr 4, 2024.

  1. Ikkan_DG New Member

    Not true at all. When it was Aradune vs. Rizlona all of the biggest, well known RMTers were on Rizlona.
  2. Search and Rescue Journeyman

    Don't care what ancient law you cite, it happens ALL the time and the Feds do nothing.
    Happened in my own small company where I work.
    Kids work for their parents at small businesses everyday.
    Ancient law or not it is irrelevant, nobody follows it or cares and it is not enforced.

    Interns and volunteers only have to be getting educational vocational training/skills if they are in school and released to the job as part of their curriculum.

    Case in point all EQ Guides from day one were volunteers, heck players eventually got to sign up to do it, they advertised it in game I'm fairly certain.

    Now in all honestly typically interns and volunteers have no real access to anything of value, nor any power to do anything of any consequence.
    This however is by choice of the company since these people are usually fresh young rookies with no or little skills.

    If signed NDA and trained properly beforehand, there is no harm in giving them real power to do things like in EQ.
  3. Kahna Augur

    Rest assured that DPG's HR most definitely cares about the Fair Labor Standards Act. Which is why all guides do is hand out cookies and run player events. Because that's not really work. All interns have to be in an educational program, or it is illegal. Your company broke the law. DPG isn't breaking the law.

    You really think that if getting people to work for them for free was actually a viable option they wouldn't be all over that like a toddler on a cupcake? That they wouldn't have made their whole CS crew out of volunteers? It is illegal. It is also a horrible idea. What motivation does a guide have to not be corrupt? Not like they will lose a paying job? Worst case they get booted from the program and their account banned. They can just spin up another one. It is asking for trouble.
    KobalWR likes this.
  4. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    Google it go read the stories contradicts what you are saying and MANY on these forums have also stated as such.

    RMT farmers do not have a pile of customers on a boxers server.
  5. spud89 New Member

    Adding another vote for making Tormax a second Mischief 2.0 with boxing enabled. You haven't given boxers a server to properly cook on since 2020. Can't we have a shot at a new server with Mischief loot and free trade? It's a sensible move given the complete and utter lack of hype Tormax is getting as a "Aradune" Yelinak clone
    Sheila, KobalWR and Exmortis_MT like this.
  6. LawfulEvil New Member

    I would love to see a box friendly tlp with the Mischief rule set and maybe a few other things added.
  7. Exmortis_MT Augur

    Let us all hope they see Tormax as the right time and place to bring back a box friendly server. This is something I very much hope they do, if they make it a Teek clone with box friendly? that would be OK too. One benefit here is, once Truebox removes naturally, they could be merged in the future if required.
    dwiguslowater, Sheila and KobalWR like this.
  8. Serona Elder

    I have personally interviewed many of our fantastic EQ players, our players are the best players out there - and what they say, resoundingly, is give the people what they want! Tormax Boxable with Mischief/Teek ruleset!
    Sheila and KobalWR like this.
  9. Weathervane Journeyman

    Box friendly, Selo rules, box friendly random loot? Literally anything besides the same recycled Phinny/Coirnav/Mangler/Aradune/Yelinak rules. Run back Oakwynd’s bonuses and give the rules a shot without a plat dupe killing the economy. Seriously, anything besides the vanilla-with-lizard-twist that it currently is because we’ve gotten roughly the same every year for a long time.
  10. Ddezul Augur

  11. Jamesly New Member

    Please make Tormax a boxing server!!!!!!!!!!!!! you will make more money. Why must you make me play on 3 computers..........Im going to box no matter what like most people. Make it easier for us and will prob box more and pay more. STOP PLAYING and change this crap
    dwiguslowater, jeskola and Sheila like this.
  12. nostalgia Lorekeeper

    make tormax a boxing server and a clone of teek,make all the boxer happy and have more people playing on thormax.
    splitpaw likes this.
  13. splitpaw New Member

  14. TheDohn Augur

    They've tried it. It didn't add any popularity and the server became just as dead as most live servers pretty much at launch, for pretty much the same reasons.
  15. Intercept Augur

    You can box on Tormax, just requires 1pc per toon played.

    Keep the traditiona ruleset as is please and ty.

    If you want crazy, near Mischief, almost EQ then join Teek.

    If you want a tradition server closest to what this games vision was at release then join Tormax.

  16. Sheila Elder

    Are you talking about Rizlona? Because it lasted quite a while with a pretty good population. It wasn't nearly as populated as Aradune but it did a good job of removing some of the boxers from the primary server and helped reduce the queue. I think it'd be a great time to offer a boxing server and don't think it should be discounted so fast.

    The rumor of Rizlona being low population came from people stuck on Aradune in a queue. It remained well populated only until recently. I played from classic until PoR and we never had issues splitting raids. Was very fun! I only quit because I had to move :(
  17. mark Augur

    yes make tormax a mischief clone and allow boxing on it make a lot of us boxers happy in all the guilds i have been on the tlps the boxers have outnumbered the single client players.
  18. Intercept Augur

    You can box on all the servers afaik
  19. TheDohn Augur

    Riz never broke above medium pop even at launch. But that aside - having a medium/low pop of characters logged in to a boxing server is not the same as having a medium/low pop of people logged in to a boxing server. The live servers also often hit med pop.

  20. Sheila Elder

    That’s not even remotely true. Rizlona was high well into OoW. There was one post indicating it was medium. Once. :/ I wish this point would stop getting recycled.