Shaman - Spirit Call pet is now lvl 85?

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Mojoslinger, Jun 25, 2023.

  1. Mojoslinger Elder

    I get you wanted to cut back on server lag and all but did you have to nerf the level as well? I tried it to tonight and the grey con died in like 10 secs to repos while the tank and DPS kill a trash mob in Shar Vhal ... this AA is now completely useless Thanks Daybreak ..
  2. Szilent Augur

  3. Cadira Augur

    If it makes you feel better, it was pretty useless to begin with.

    But I'm sure they'll get around to fixing the bugged pets...eventually.
  4. Shredd Augur

    Shaman love their spirit puppies! Where is Peta when you need them.