Servers crashing

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Abazzagorath, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Abazzagorath Augur

  2. Spinner New Member

    Yay for server stability
  3. Qualzek Augur

    Luclin crashed too think its just Xegony and Luclin
  4. Eico Eico New Member

    Move to a real server like Luclin . . .

  5. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    As stable as a human 14 year old.
  6. Coltraine Journeyman

    EMarr too.
  7. Abazzagorath Augur

    Login servers down too. Chat servers also.
  8. Gloire-CSJ New Member

    Yay.... Can't wait for roll back.
  9. Lily Augur

    Rathe went down
  10. Tsurani New Member

    Oh great I was exp grinding away, almost level 89 and I died just as the server crashed..
  11. Falos Augur

    This is an outrage, I demand double exp for 3 days, double spawns for 1 day and double faction for one day due to this inconvenience.
    Edrick, Riou, Fanra and 1 other person like this.
  12. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

  13. Zenedia New Member

    If we're lucky, they haven't left the office yet...
  14. Tsurani New Member

    Maybe this is how they are ending everquest 1. Instead of calling the game off they just randomly shut it down!
  15. Nissassa Elder

    Merry Christmas, here is some fresh new crashing for you !!
  16. Saave Augur

  17. Helrazor Augur

    Vox just puked as well.
  18. Saave Augur

    Can't even edit my post on this site ? that's down too!
    I moved my eq window off to a side to read info off a mob and type it to the guild... and server crashed .. MY BAD :^)
  19. Nadisia Augur

    Well, EQ servers stability is not that bad, frankly :)
    Check out some other "major" games, and you'll see.

    But I do agree, that sucks, even more for me, european, playing in an US raiding guild :confused: ... it's laaaaate
  20. Tarrin Augur

    You missed the notice on the day 4 deal?

    Half off on servers.