Seeking feedback on which tank

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by RaptorGesus, Nov 14, 2019.

  1. RaptorGesus Journeyman

    Hey guys, I just reactivated my account and will be starting on miragul with a friend. We have never done content after PoP and very much looking forward to trying it out. I am pretty sure I will be rolling a tank but I am torn as to which one.

    My friend will be playing a rogue, and we both prefer not to box. So I guess I'm praying a cleric merc can keep me up lol.

    What do you guys think would be a decent pick? I enjoy all the tank classes and could go either way. Just looking to hear some thoughts and opinions, any feedback is appreciated =)
  2. Szilent Augur

    Raiding? Warrior's more than fine if you outgear stuff. If not, probably a knight if you're depending on a mercenary & not packing a consistent debuffer. Rogues can slow or cripple, but whichever one they pick is still dependent on proccing it on each mob. Knights can cover the lapses when mercenaries decide to be bad
    Bigstomp likes this.
  3. RaptorGesus Journeyman

    Good points, and no I probably will not be raiding, if i found a decent group I of folks I clicked with, then by all means. But I don't really plan to do much raiding, its hard to find something that fits my schedule and add lol.
    Is there any certain reason why you might pick SK over paladin or vice versa? The utility of SK is rlly nice, especially being able to pull. And just seems able to provide for itself in several ways. But I can also see where the splash heals and stuns would be rlly nice.

    Just wondering which one might increase our chances of doing some stuff. I guess like usual, it always comes down to w.e the person wants to play, and which one is the player better with. But just not sure how the differences feel between the knight classes at this point in the game.
  4. Maedhros High King

    Paladins were amazing from House of Thule until Call of the Forsaken but I imagine most of what made us great then will already be nerfed like it is on live servers right now. I don't think you're going to see useless SKs and godlike Paladins today on Miragul like actually existed back in 2010 or 11 or whatever when HOT came out.
  5. RaptorGesus Journeyman

    Awesome thanks for the replies guys. Guess I should just go make 1 of each on miragul and try them out and see which one feels better. Got a lot of reading to do lol. More or less need to learn 2 diff classes now so I can get a feel for them
  6. aozs Augur

    If you're sticking to just a duo with tank+rogue (and mercs), SK will let you accomplish far more things than the other options simply because of its pulling capabilities. Since that duo lacks CC and is reliant on merc healing, handling 3-5 mobs at a time will likely be difficult, so you'll want the ability to single pull reliably. You can probably even do a good chunk of the missions (maybe all? been a while since I've done HoT) with SK pulling. On the other hand, I don't see it happening with Pal+Rog or War+Rog.

    If you want to join groups and play with other players, tank choice matters much less as you can get the utility/support gaps filled.
    Petalonyx likes this.
  7. Szilent Augur

    Rogues have the tools to be more than capable pullers. There's no need to lean on a tank class for that purpose.
    Wulfhere likes this.
  8. shiftie Augur

    With root, pacify, stun, fade, fd potions, divine call I can pull pretty reliably as a paladin may not be as fast but it works
    Xeladom, Wulfhere and Szilent like this.
  9. Wulfhere Augur

    As a paladin, I was soling HoT missions in era. I'm sure an SK can do the same. An SK really starts to gain power at level 68 (Touch of the Cursed AA) and takes off from there. Either knight makes a solid duo group that can accomplish most anything in the group game.
  10. RaptorGesus Journeyman

    How is the damage difference between the two now? Is it close enough to not be a big deal. Or is SK damage that much higher that grinding would be faster by far. Paladin seemed to have some decent direct dmg from what little i was trying out. Tho im sure SK dot and spear line could make for some pretty nice dmg plus the mana regen. Does paladin get any mana regen like sk?
  11. Wulfhere Augur

    Heroic paladin has Armor of Unwavering Faith for some mana regen. At 91 you get Yaulp AA. At 100, Marr's Gift AA.
  12. Kenre Journeyman

    SK DPS is significantly higher than paladin DPS. With a Merc healer I would definitely go with a knight tank, and with SK having an enormous DPS advantage as well as better aggro and similar survivability as a paladin I wouldn't hesitate to choose a SK. The reasons to choose a pally would be preferred playstyle, being a healer for others, and more raid utility. As a side note, I play a paladin as well.
  13. Tucoh Augur

    Best duo with a rogue is SK.
  14. Enigma Maitreya Augur

    I did the Paladin and Shadow Knight comparison recently on a normal shard.

    At level 75 I heroic'd them and quite honestly as a molo/solo the Paladin .... just didn't ... even come close to the Shadow Knight.

    Just my 2 coppers and the SK has displaced my Ranger and Rogue as the go to melee character, the Rogue is now a Scout and the Ranger is for fun and stand off (The archery is outstanding).

    For what it is worth, the Zerker was simply pathetic, DB should be ashamed of that.
  15. Wulfhere Augur

    Can't argue that. Shadow Knight class starts to get "more powerful" at level 68 and never looks back.
  16. Bigstomp Augur

    Zerker is amazing. But they are not a tank. You have to be ridiculously over geared to tank with one.
  17. Enigma Maitreya Augur

    That is fine, Distinguish the Zerker from Ranger and Rogue if you would as I can not see their place.
  18. Bigstomp Augur

    For melee, I see zerkers topping parses usually, followed by rogues.
    I can't comment more specifically as my only experience with all 3 classes is using a rogue to SoS and hunt collectibles.
  19. Enigma Maitreya Augur

    Thanks, I just have a hard time seeing where they fit in .... that doesn't mean they are bad, I should probably back down my assertion to be more local to me, given my expectations of a Zerk, they certainly did not meet my expectations.