
Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kraizzie, Mar 4, 2024.

  1. mercury890 Old Timer from the days of karana.

    Seems like new expansions are not that involved and rather shallow in content making them quick to finish...This way Developers can wash rinse repeat the process selling more expansions... More expansions equates to more profits to the bottom line. It's a shame the game has morphed from a player based developmental team devoted to content,, to a buisness model all for the sake of investors and their bottom line... The game and players suffer from the game being trivialized and deduced to mere profit.
    SAD was the correct word here,,,,SAD indeed :(
  2. Muramx Augur

    Neither were hard. I play more on TLP's more than live, and in group gear 2 boxing with a friend who was also 2 boxing and 2 healer mercs it took all of 2 attempts to beat heroes are forged, on the second day.

    Everyone talks about how the game is just so much harder than it was when it came out and I laugh. because people weren't beating content the day it came out back in the day.
    mercury890 likes this.