Rogue Hdex vs HStr

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Sterlling, May 20, 2016.

  1. Sterlling New Member

    I was wondering what people think would be better for rogue dps after the new patch. Does the increase to accuracy and combat effects from Hdex mean more dps than Hstr now?
  2. segap Augur

    Have you read the other thread in this forum ( with the parses showing no real gains? Nothing to worry about at this time. Keep the augs you want. In the future hDex might pull away if there's enough heroic inflation. You can start collecting TBM hDex augs for a future switch in an expansion or three. Replacing your current hStr augs with soon to be obsolete (replaced by upcoming content) hDex ones is not needed.

    Ability to play will continue to be the deciding factor for winning parses between hStr and hDex rogues.
  3. Brudal Augur

    the heroic strength augs that had combat effects (red stone of power, brawn, might, frozen king) were migrated to add heroic dex; so you can stick with strength and gain dex.
  4. Sterlling New Member

    Great thank you. It seem like those adjustments are set up for future growth