Rogue Backstab Crits

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Charrisx, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Songsa Augur

    Thyr hard capped max dmg to 750k, maybe this is the reason, what numbers did you see before? and now?
  2. Brogett Augur

    How much is it maxxing out at now, vs before? There is a new cap post-crit rather than pre-crit, which both fixes the original bug but also adds a limit (I assume "just incase"). I doubt it's a major issue though really.
  3. telechir Elder

    New hard cap explains it, thanks.

    I was getting somewhere around 985k or so, can't seem to recall the exact number. I guess it doesn't matter if they really intend on discontinuing Assassinate/headshot/decap; unless future expansions might include humanoid mobs low enough level but with updated hps over 750k.
  4. NireVZ Elder