returning player on FV

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by therock, Jun 13, 2016.

  1. therock New Member

    ok so i have a 95 ranger on FV, i have completely forgot how to play him, i earned about 4k aa in the past only to log in and have over 9k aa. FV is full of rangers and i really would like to raise a toon from the ground up so i can get to know it better. Any suggestions? or any rangers willing to teach me how to replay my ranger with proper macros and rotations? i have little to no interest in super end game, i just would like to have fun and help others do quests and such. Yet i would not like to suck so i wouldnt get invited back to groups.
  2. Fian Augur

    My advice would be to create a new char, and play them up to level 10 in the newbie zone. Should get you back to the basics of playing. Then switch back to your ranger. I had a similar problem with my enchanter. Look for all of the AA abilities that can create a hotkey for each of them. Then pick the hotkeys you are comfortable using, and ignore the rest. You will eventually perfect your setup, but people don't expect those in Dead Hills Heroic Adventures to play their class perfectly. That is a good place to get used to playing your char again.