Returning.. box options

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by diamyyr, Jun 11, 2020.

  1. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Thank you two for ending my day with a nice belly laugh!

    Well, logging back in to create a berserker, then ending my day ;)
  2. Cydonia Elder

    An extra box means an extra merc. Which is worth the third box by itself.
    But what I was referring to is the extra utility that comes with a third character. Obviously that varies from class to class, but then you also have other things to take into consideration, such as the ability to create camp fire that’s requires three toons (don’t underestimate this. Camp fires make getting around so much easier, especially if you like alts) and things like old raid content that doesn’t allow mercs in. That extra box can make a considerable difference.

    3 boxing isn’t difficult, it just requires a bit of know how, and there’s plenty of information available for anyone interested. Btw, I don’t use I$boxer. And I do fine.
  3. Megazen Elder


    Having port to bind, evac are both really really handy on a box team. Druid is also a great "floater" character. When things are ok, the druid can DPS just fine, when they go south, you have a backup healer. Impossible to beat druids on a box team. Easy to macro, and brings a ton of great quality of life.

    The other option would be something like War/Bst/Brd. Warriors have the best "afk" agro. You can stick a warrior on a mob, and it will do a pretty good job of keeping agro without a lot of input. SKs and Palies are both very very busy classes to keep agro with.