Returning after 2 years

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Dalalron, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. Dalalron New Member

    Hi all. 93 Paladin on Bertox with about 1500 aa's returning after 2 year break. Last real content played was House of Thule. Upon returning found that my guild which I had been in since Luclin imploded while I was gone. Looking for ideas on spots to solo and any suggestions on how to level up. The 90 hot zones, The Grounds and Valley of Lunanyn are very slow solo. Cleric merc goes oom on one or 2 mobs. Any suggestions on where to solo or find grouping opportunities?
  2. Dibab Augur

    Best bet honestly? Find a new and active family guild on your server and there should generally be people of a wide level spread to help out for groups. Best bet for a solo? Maybe the basement in house lower? plenty of undead there which yields your best chance at DPS
    Bigstomp likes this.
  3. Brohg Augur

    As a knight, you're likely best off doing your soloing with a wizard mercenary instead of a healer. The "90" hotzone Grounds should be great for that.
  4. Ravengloome Augur

    If you do that you may want to opt into the autogrant. Wiz merc moloing is a hard sell with low AA count.

    Find a place where you can rotate full burn discs, holyforge and armor of reverence. Click renounce everytime it is up. Use reprimand/denounce/protective to heal, rotate stuns and paean/elegy. Keep the wiz merc on burn/marr's salvation it.
  5. Dalalron New Member

    Thanks for the help. I had never even thought of a wizzy merc so I tried it last night and he burns them right down which is great. Keeping aggro off him is a bit tough so I may try changing from burn to balanced, but I'm sure with a bit of tweaking it should be lots better. I also discovered the auto credit on the aa's which bumped me over 6k which of course makes a big difference.
  6. Brohg Augur

    Balanced setting is for chumps and rangers. What it does is scale the mercenary's action to whatever the agro is. That chops the mercenary's dps by like 20% even in ideal circumstances because they're casting "carefully", and can drop it to nothing if the setting makes you lazy so your agro is low. Figure out which SK on your server (or the serverwide channel! join the serverwide channel!) actually is as badass as they say they are (they all think they're badass. ask the people they play WITH), and get tips for good agro sequences.