Reserve name question when merged, DBG?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by AeHaze, Apr 29, 2024.

  1. AeHaze Journeyman

    I dont know if its fact or fiction, But I have heard that Teek and Mischief will eventually merge when teek makes it to Live. With that said, What will happen to the people who PAID to reserve the name on Teek? Will they lose right to that name even though they paid for it since Mischief was released first? Or will you guys prioritize the people who paid for the name to retain that name?
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That is years away from happening and it will depend on what happens with Mischief when it reaches live. They are likely going to follow the same rules that they do for every server merge, however that being said it is far to early to know what will happen when Teek reaches live many years from now.
  3. Zansobar Augur

    Aren't the rules, the character with the most /played time gets preference?
    Demetri, ForumBoss and Laronk like this.
  4. Laronk Augur

    This is the way
    Demetri likes this.
  5. magikarp Elder

    just dont log out of teek for the next 4 years. ez
  6. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    Does it go by /played when transferring off a TLP to a live server as well? Or only with merges?
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'm more concerened on what happens if they create an overflow server which then gets merged.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Only with merges.

    Seem to recall the last merges they also took into account the last time the person logged in.
  9. Shalom Quillmane Bane

    By then they'll be willing to pay again
  10. Demetri Augur

    Seems easy enough IF they generate an overflow server (that truly is meant as one!) to make the reservation apply to both servers that are intended to be linked to prevent that worry. (Especially since a true overflow server would merge around a year out or so - and they reserve the name for a year with the mechanism - so the timing would be perfect for such)
  11. fransisco Augur

    Not even then, Mischief cannot be merged into any other server. There is no live server that has a ruleset like it. The closest they can do is kill the ruleset and force everyone over to FV only, but that wouldn't really be a merge.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    They can easily merge it into FV by removing the random loot rules and leaving it as a live server with free trade. Normally when a server reaches the latest expansion and is ready to merge into a live server they remove all of the rules that make it special and it just becomes a normal live server. The only difference in this case it Mischief/Thornblade will keep the free trade rules and merge into FV though that depends on the population of the server at that point in time. If it is large enough to continue on its own there is a chance it will stay a random loot free trade server and given the population that currently exists on FV they might be more willing to not merge it.