Quick Boxing question - returning player

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Skaxx, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. Skaxx New Member

    I know there are a thousand how is this combo for boxing questions. I just have a quick one - With geared SK with 5k+AA , Shaman 5k+ AA and Bard 2K+ AA be able to handle Rof content pretty easy? I dont want to box over 3. I am skilled at playing all three classes.

    Only other option I have is drop shaman for necro.

    Thanks for input!
  2. Sadja New Member

    I play a Wizard and I usually group with my friends Shadow Knight and Shaman. We've been able to clear through every group mission/HA in RoF and CotF so far along with 2 Wizard mercs and a Cleric merc. Three boxing is definitely viable.

    You might want the extra dps from the Necro as good DPS makes all the missions a lot easier, DPS mercs somewhat help but never actually come close to a real DPSer. However I'm sure you could make it work with the Shaman, some nameds would just be up a lot longer.
  3. Skaxx New Member

    Thanks for the input. My only concern would be losing the Shaman heals. Can the cleric merc hold up in RoF / CotF content if my SK is well geared.

    Thanks Again.
  4. Sadja New Member

    I would have to ask my friend for the exacts on how much he uses his Shaman for healing, as far as I know the Cleric merc does most of the work and he just throws the odd heal here while dotting. You could find that adding a 2nd Cleric merc would solve all your problems without the Shaman. A big plus of the Shaman is having the buffs, but that's something you could get from outside your boxing trio atleast.
  5. Serriah_Test Augur

    I box the same combo. 100 SK, Bard and Sham.

    As for ROF content - you'll find it easy enough in every static zone.
    Where it gets hard is in some of the missions where it requires a joint effort by a full group of actual players. RoF missions are kind of like mini-raids where coordination is more important than straight up tank and spank.

    Make sure you're playing the song that increases healing crits. (I forget the name. Reckless something or other)

    Make sure you block the cleric heal over time spells and save that role for your shaman. Shammy should be casting counter bias, heal over time and wave heals You can string them together in a macro hot key and the cleric may not even have to heal (which means one more wiz merc)

    ALWAYS use your bard to attack. Never have your bard as an autofollow-jukebox. My bard is doing 7-9k dps on auto attack depending on song line-up.

    If I was to do it all over again, I'd swap my shaman for a druid. Shammy buffs and slows are nice... but it overlaps with bard abilities.
  6. Ravengloome Augur

    Drop the shaman for a Necro or wizard, you'll thank me later.

    Or if you do go with a healer go cleric or druid and drop the bard for a necro or wizard.
  7. Skaxx New Member

    Thanks for all the input.

    If I was to go SK, Bard, Necro (I have a druid friend I can grab if I really needed more than merc heals)
    would it be beneficial to add a ranger to group as well or stick with the 3 and mercs?

    Thanks for help!
  8. feiddan Augur

    Rangers do more DPS and have substantial more utility than a DPS merc.

    The price you pay for power is an increase of actions per minute (APM).
    Bbeast likes this.
  9. Serriah_Test Augur

    Stick with the 3 and mercs.
    A wiz merc does anywhere between 13 and 17k sustained dps.
    You'd probably have a hard time sustaining that level of DPS on the 4th toon.
  10. feiddan Augur

    Sometimes, utility and power > convenience.

    Really depends on the person though; it's a judgment call.
  11. Ravengloome Augur

    Wizard box blows that Wiz merc right out of the water. A wizard box will do about double what you said a wizard merc does...