Quest: Minotaur Smasher broke?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by BoomWalker, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. BoomWalker Augur

    Another one in this lovely zone of Xorbb....Minotaur Smasher....

    I have the 30 items to feed him...but he is really small and runs off from the quest guy immediately when he spawns. I hail..I try to give the items...but he just runs off...never stopping. I followed him once but he goes in areas with SI mobs and never seemed to stop all....

    This is getting to be stupid. Make us get 30 items then can't give the items to the npc that needs them...stupid quests make this a stupid expansion more and more...

    How do you get the Minotaur Smasher to stop to give the items? A guildie finished getting the 30 items and walked up to the quest giver and the Minotaur Smasher was standing there...big...not small like I am seeing...and stood there and let him give all 30 problem.

    It is getting to be obvious to me that this is my last expansion with Everquest. Wasting time with too much broke content isn't fun...
  2. Riou EQResource

    When like 4? or so people do the quest and feed him enough he goes on a rampage and attacks mobs, you just have to wait until his rampage is done
  3. BoomWalker Augur

    For hours? It is stupid. He is tiny..not large like it says he grows when he is fed...and I have to just sit and wait for hours for him to stop running off? The quest is stupid...he isn't attacking anything...he is just running off through the fort and to the river. If he was attacking mobs I would be fine with waiting...but to have to try to turn in one each time he runs by is nothing beyond stupid.
  4. Kyreth Elder

    When I did the quest we just had someone aggro all the mobs in his path and kite them around while the other person ran behind the smasher and turned in. If you keep moving with him when you open the trade window, you can click trade. I handed in each stack separately and was able to do it.
  5. Tobynn Augur

    Once the Smasher begins to run riot, just let him do his thing and tucker himself out. Eventually he returns to normal and resets to his spawn point. So, go do something else and check back later. Its not as if the NPC remains in this state forever. I wouldn't have considered running around the zone with an open trade window to be even a remote option lulz.
  6. Kyreth Elder

    Every time I have watched him respawn he immediately takes off and starts running - he does not stand still for even 1 second at his spawn point - so you don't really have a choice.
  7. Tobynn Augur

    I completed the quest on three different characters and at no point did I have to trade on-the-run.
  8. Falos Augur

    The loot he drops is insane but he's not easy to kill.
  9. Tobynn Augur

    Ok, this Minotaur Smasher started doing this perma-berserk mode last night on Bristlebane server. Throughout the past few days that I have been completing partisan and mercenary tasks in zone, I have not seen this present behavior. The thing is now chain spawning over and over and over, each time his death is accompanied by a screen splash emote indicating his corpse crumbles from the exertion or something to that affect. Few seconds later, a shiny brand new red con Minotaur Smasher appears at the top of my track list, and the process repeats. Over. And Over. And over. Endlessly.

    Prior to yesterday, I never saw this weird shiz.
  10. BoomWalker Augur

    Yep...all those that are lucky enough to get the npc to stand still tell all you that are too stupid to notice it isn't running to wait for it to not run. I watched it for one hour...sitting at his spawn point...ran off each time. I followed him..never engaged a mob...just ran past the river and despawned. Not a rampage or riot or whatever...but you, me, and everyone else having this issue are too STUPID to know it isn't working go off and do something else for "unspecified amount of time" and it works for you.

    It is proof that the task isn't broke when it works for ONE person. Everyone else is wrong.
  11. Ellyra Augur

    The issue with the smasher running away on spawn in a rampage was fixed on beta, and should go live with the next patch.