Popular names - lock them?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Shur, Apr 27, 2024.

  1. Shur New Member

    Name your saved names that you log in for?

    Shur ( no idea who that is )

    I get it the buy to lock future (otherwise someone else just sell the name), it was always kinda fun to spam login to lock a name though lol
  2. DunkMasterJ New Member

  3. Shur New Member

    Yes, you can pay for a name on the new server through Daybreak. And lock it out from others trying to take and then sell it on the eq market. Which was a good gig for a while.
  4. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Only if you have a character with that name and have at lease 200 days played at the start or 10 days played before the server launches as well as being over level 50 and 30 days old. It isn't as simple as picking a popular name and reserving it.
    Shur likes this.
  5. Shur New Member

    200 days played zomg, it is funny how it is so casual now lol.

    .. 200 days seems like a lot
  6. Febb Augur

    I doubt 3rd party resellers will make much money on it, considering that it takes money to reserve the name.
  7. Zansobar Augur

    Don't they just trade Krono for money?
  8. TheDohn Augur

    Shhh. Conspiracy theories that don't understand the problem or the new mechanic either one are much more fun.