Parceled items giving bugged lore messages

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Agrippa, May 8, 2023.

  1. Agrippa Augur

    Good day! I've also submitted a customer service request for the issue, but was auto-messaged to come here and submit a bug report. Two of my characters on the Firiona Vie server are receiving lore messages when trying to retrieve parceled items.

    The first item is the Elaborate Fire Bauble augmentation. It is, indeed, a lore item, but the character in question does not have this one in his very limited item collection. I've thoroughly searched through every piece of gear he has, as well as searching the Find Item Window. The GM that responded did say that he was unable to find any other augmentations in the database that might share the same lore tag. The item was parceled to my character from another one of my characters. I'm unsure if the item is normally tradable or if it is a rot item on other servers.

    The other item is a pair of Elegant Defiant Plate Gauntlets that was parceled to yet another character from the first character that experienced the bugged message. The gauntlets are not a lore item and they have no augmentations within them.

    The items are quite common, so I'm really concerned about obtaining them. However, the bugged items are now filling two of my characters' parcel slots. This is something that I'm unable to fix through my own efforts. I wouldn't mind at all if the items were simply deleted, but this is something that I cannot do on my own. Customer service is needed here. Thank you.
    Yinla likes this.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    Parcel sending runs a lore check, so it shouldn't be possible to receive one if you already owned one. Same way on the other end, looting also includes parcel in the lore check so you shouldn't be able to loot one if you have one sitting in the queue. If you placed something in GH or in a different characters house, it will not show in find item. Did you also check Dragon's Hoard? Unless you are at bank and open hoard its not included in the search either.

    Screenshot your parcels window and post, and copy the log lines when you are trying to retrieve here in code tag.

    If somehow you obtained one (or stored one) in a way that errantly does not proprerly check the lore function.

    Are you searching Elaborate Fire Bauble or Elaborate Defiant Fire Bauble?

    I think this is something you would have to petition for. Was your first petition asking just to find an item, or to clear parcels?
  3. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Parcel-lore happens when there is the same lore item in a housing/guild property that is currently not spun up. The game can't find it, but knows you have it.
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I cannot find an Elaborate Fire Bauble augmentation in the game so if your looking for it in your inventory then its possible your looking for the wrong item.

    There is, however, Elaborate Defiant Fire Bauble. It is lore and attunable. Which makes it tradable until it is attuned

    When your searching try using the word "bauble" which may clarify your search a bit. Make sure you search your guild hall, others or alts houses etc.

    But I wonder what is happening here since the character sending the Bauble would have gotten the message that it was lore and could not be sent to your other character. But your saying you see it in the second character's parcels but cannot retrieve it because it says it would result in a lore item?

    The other item Elegant Defiant Plate Gauntlets are not lore and there should not be any message that they are. However it also is an "attunable" item

    I am wondering if both items were attuned at one point and that is what the message is about. Not about lore but about it being attuned already.

    Can you perhaps show some screen shots?
  5. Soulbanshee Augur

  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Here is an idea out of left field. Send parcels to the affected character until it hits the max of 50 - in fact go over. Just use bookworms or pods of water sent one at a time. He has to be logged in.

    Then log hi out and when you log out with over 50 in your parcel it will delete some. Maybe try and see if it will delete those 2 items