pally over sk for group game?

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by krichton, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Tegila Augur

    uh huh....and thats why sks are still the redheaded stepchild of the 3 tank classes when it comes to having aas etc to improve their incoming heals, bc we heal oruselves so awesomely right? yeah we can do some decent selfhealing depending on teh circumstance, thats agiven, hell if im tankign 150 lvl 85 mobs with visagea nd epic on the selfhealing is beyond amazing! but that has very little if nothign to do with tanking in a group or a raid bc its based entierly off of very large numbers of incoming but tiny hits, as opposed to a smalelr number of much bigger hitsl

    as far as innate self-heals. sks have totc. soul abrasion only works offbuffs, arguable wehther its innate or not since htey are sk selfbuffs. epic/mc are not passive selfhealing, theyre activated, and procced (almost never on a raid or in a group bc you must have finishing blow for MC to proc at all) so 90seconds out of every 5 minutes we can hit to heal but guess awht, socan you if you're in our group, so can the warrior etc (i hit mine more often when war in my group is tanking, than when i am due simply to the fact that the warrior livesl onger there isnt going ot be an sk MT.

    now lets see waht all do pallies proc heals off? what all tools and innates do you ahve that make every heal that hitsy ou even better htan ti would be if it landed on anyoneelse? oh yeah you forgot about taht didnt you.

    when it's all said and done yes pally adn sk passive healing is plenty equal. active healing varies a lot by what is being done and when under what circumstances etc. then tehre's the ability to be kept alive. oh yeah stuns, selfehals on top of procs on top of enhanced incoming heals and far bigger ac boosts..oh wait what were you saying?
  2. Kelefane Augur

    I certainly dont hear this a lot. In fact, its always the opposite for me on my server.

    If geared/auged/AAed right, you honestly cant go wrong with either Knight class. But the big thing is, on most servers out there, there are just more talented SKs around than Paladins (for whatever reason) - The SK talent far outnumbers the Pally talent on Bristlebane for example. Dont get me wrong, Fu and RoV have some excellent Paladins, but there are just more talented SKs around.

    But folks that know, know and understand that Paladins are gods among men when they have a talented person behind the wheel.

    But meh, in the end, roll whatever you feel like you'd enjoy more. SKs are awesome in the group game (some would argue better than Paladins) I feel like a tank Jesus at times in the RoF group game ;) - However, on that same token, Paladins > SKs in the raiding game.

    Its why I always say:
  3. shiftie Augur

    I'm still loling that you are comparing totc to blessing of life...
  4. Elricvonclief Augur

    Sadly Kelefane, I agree due to how things are atm. I do think it's minor atm though, as once SK's get a raid utility boost it'll even out.

    For folks that don't know, Kele has been a loud proponent on getting SK's some raid utility. While knights might disagree on some stuff, most agree that SK need a boost for raids, to make them as desirable as paladins. Paladins splash/heal/OT/kite compared to SK OT/kite. Something should be given.

    just my 2 cp
    Tegila, Viltaire and Kelefane like this.
  5. Grummy_NB Augur

    imo, it depends on the person behind the toon.
  6. Obiwon Elder

    I think this was a loaded question and too political. I ran an SK in top guild for years and loved it. I made the mistake of giving that account away. I run a paladin now. I like him, I miss the SK though unless doing undead content. My best bud in game has a 100 sk we use mainly for tanking. I think he heals himself just fine, maybe better with his taps, etc.

    In truth, I think if you ask the paladins which knight is stronger in the group game, they are going to say the SK's ,if you ask the SK's they are going to say the Paladin's. IMO, its somewhat of a wash as somebody else said. Going to level my S-K on other account soon so I have both.

    I think this was a thread that should have never been made, even though several people tried to give very intelligent, neutral and beneficial analysis. In the end, it "leads" toward an attempt at nerfdom when both classes are fairly well balanced in most respects. I have not seen a tank (any of the 3) similarly equipped and run by a knowledgeable person have any issue in appropriate content.
  7. Enizen Elder

    Nerf Obiwon!
  8. Kelefane Augur

    If truth be known, this was likely a troll thread trying to start a class war.
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  9. Obiwon Elder

    ;-( /cries