Overseer conversions taking 25 seconds

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Moege, Jan 19, 2023.

  1. Moege Augur

    Something is seriously wrong with the time conversion quests take to complete
    10 seconds when selecting it, 25 seconds to complete.

  2. Cyphren Journeyman

    It's based on your system time. Sync your clock.
    Fenthen and Thunderkiks like this.
  3. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Possibly. However that would not account for why other accounts on same computer do have a different count down.

    Another supposition is how many agents you have. Again, other accounts react differently

    And another is how full your character is - repeat reason

    Here is the one I find most logical. Its the servers. Cause you will notice when this happens there is usually a stutter or freeze caused by the Overseer window refreshing itself.
    Moege likes this.
  4. Moege Augur

    Its not my clock its synced anyway. The quest starts counting down from 25s not 10s as it is supposed to.

    I think its related to how many you convert, first few 10s then about by the 5th convert the 25s appears.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  5. Soulbanshee Augur

    So yeah, maybe, sometimes, but people that swear their clock is sync'd it ends up its off by a few seconds or what not which is not enough to trigger a resync in Windows but anything > 1 second is enough to throw Overseer into chaos because it has to check in with the server.

    Open command prompt and try running w32tm /resync a couple times and see what happens. If you get an error message do it until its successful.